Health Questions

  1. What is the best age for pregnancy?
  2. What to do about chronic ovarian cysts?
  3. How long does Darvocet stay in your body?
  4. If my brother is bipolar, can I be too?
  5. Why is my nipple bleeding?
  6. How to describe what herpes is?
  7. Do I have a history class phobia?
  8. How to get help for my depression?
  9. How do I tell my best friend that I'm bulimic?
  10. How long should your period last?
  11. What's it like to have a baby?
  12. How can I quit smoking cigarettes?
  13. How long should you brush your teeth?
  14. pill or no pill???
  15. How long for this odor to dimish after I stopped The Pill?
  16. How to control ADD without high Adderall doses?
  17. Why do I get a nosebleed twice a day?
  18. How long does it take for a bruise to heal?
  19. Is this light bleeding a sign that I'm not pregnant?
  20. What can I do about my bulimia?
  21. Do you ever feel so depressed that nothing helps?
  22. How to deal with stress from being a celebrity?
  23. Im bullimic and I cant stop! PLEASE HELP.
  24. Is my sister sick?
  25. Am I pregnant if I had my period twice in one month?
  26. Is he anorexic?
  27. How can I get back on schedule?
  28. Is an air conditioner bad for your health?
  29. Is it natural to have my period twice a year?
  30. When will I get my period and does it hurt?
  31. How to keep holding back the tears?
  32. Why do I sweat so much under my arms at school?
  33. Am I depressed?
  34. What are technologies that will help people with Cerebral Palsy?
  35. Can I leave my tooth alone if a crown fell out?
  36. Can drinking vinegar effect your cycle?
  37. Does anyone else have Compulsive Skin Picking (CSP)?
  38. How can I make my hipbones stick out?
  39. How can I stop mental breakdowns?
  40. Why does my nose hurt?
  41. Why do girls want eating disorders?
  42. What's wrong with my friend?
  43. Is it normal for humans to have worms?
  44. How to get rid of eczema?
  45. Do anti-depressants cause hallucinations?
  46. Why are people against anorexia?
  47. Are my nipples normal?
  48. How do I become bulimic?
  49. Did having anorexia change me as a person?
  50. Does it hurt to use tampons?
  51. How long does pregnancy take after stopping The Pill?
  52. What is 4 stone and 6 lbs in pounds?
  53. Have you ever been to a chiropractor?
  54. How can I control my temper?
  55. What causes adult autism?
  56. What is a good way to stay relaxed for a performance?
  57. How to get over a sinus infection fast?
  58. Why do teenaged girls stress over their weight?
  59. How to get rid of breast cancer?
  60. Is 2% body fat healthy?
  61. Why does my vagina smell?
  62. How to stop the urges to start smoking?
  63. Who can help me keep the flu away?
  64. Does wanting to be anorexic mean you aren't?
  65. Do anorexics really see themselves as being fat?
  66. Don't we have millions of brothers and sisters?
  67. How old is too old?
  68. How can I be anorexic so I get skinny?
  69. Is honey in oatmeal better for you than sugar?
  70. How to tell if I'm addicted to caffeine?
  71. What are these white dots under my eyes?
  72. Is it normal for beginning of period to be brown?
  73. Has anyone tried the Cylaris pill?
  74. Are there any quick ways to detoxify yourself of THC?
  75. Is it a miscarriage?
  76. Should I have my tubes tied at 21?
  77. Can you have a period while pregnant?
  78. How to stop being so nervous?
  79. Does smoking help you lose weight?
  80. Are sharp stomach pains a sign of pregnancy?
  81. What to do about my knotted shoulders?
  82. Is this my period?
  83. Is cutting her legs the same as her arms and wrists?
  84. Does anyone else have Tic Douloureux?
  85. Can you get pregnant if you're on birth control?
  86. What the hell was that kick inside of me?
  87. What to do about headaches?
  88. How to be thin fast?
  89. How do I get rid of urges to eat?
  90. Can we get married because I'm pregnant?
  91. How much should I eat at 4 months pregnant?
  92. How can I get myself to eat?
  93. How to delay a menstrual cycle?
  94. What if I could be pregnant but don't want to give this up?
  95. Can I get pregnant if I'm on The Pill?
  96. How big is a size zero?
  97. Can my doctor tell if I've been pregnant before?
  98. What is the most effective pregnancy preventor?
  99. How do I stop myself from wanting to drink again?
  100. Where can I find apple cider vinegar?