Is he anorexic?

I got a friend hese 15 as old as me,He isnt fat hese just abit chubby / slightly over weight and now he wants to loose weight so hese not eating anything completely !! Its his third day without eating anything and he looks as if he already lost a couple of pounds and is determined to keep it that way, is he anorexic or something ??

Answer #1

Dont think he is anorexic.But he may be if he continues.Stop him.Anorexia nervosa kills.It is very serious.Im sure you dont want to lose a friend.Stop him.

Answer #2

Looks like he is headed in that direction.

He should talk to a counselor or doctor about alternative weight loss solutions rather than taking this extreme route.

I hope he doesn’t continue this!

Answer #3

well my friend I think he is definitly on his way…itz extrememly dangerous if you dont eat it unbalances your chemicals in your body and can leed to severe diseases so try and get him to eat…instead of just watching him starve say “hey you no you gotta eat…dont worry I will jog w/ you after school if your really concered or we will join a gym but never starve your self” that way he nos your on his side and cares bout him =] =] =]

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