Does anyone else have Compulsive Skin Picking (CSP)?

Hey. I’ve recently found out that I have CSP. Yeah I suppose it may sound a bit silly, ‘conpulsive skin picking’ but it plays a major role in my life and I didn’t even know it was a medical ‘illness’ or whatever you want to call it. So does anyone here have CSP or know anymore info or of any support avalible?


Answer #1

Oh and to kathyrh69-

Basically its really strange- you start picking and its really addictive- you go into this trance like state. I could sit down and pick for hours, minutes or seconds but it seems the same because you lose all sense of the time. Strange huh?

Answer #2

Dear nothingness, It falls under the category of compulsion disorders. It can be treated as such with great success. See your doctor about the proper medications to help. Sometimes they will have you go to counselling to teach you behaviour modification. Simply put teach you to stop. Sue…good luck

Answer #3

now whats exactly is that . can you write me back and give me a little more information about it and I would be willing to help and talk with you and find out what you need to do

Answer #4


Answer #5

I have csp I would tell my doctors but they just told me to stop im looking for help in the michigan area.

Answer #6

this is very common. often done by very beautiful people strivig for perfection. believe me, its best to stop and get obsessed with something else to take up your time.

Answer #7

most people pick when they’re bored, so find something to do to keep you busy, and try not to pick, that only makes it worse. look up skin picking/face picking on google to learn more and to here other’s stories.

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