Health Questions

  1. How do I know my balls have dropped?
  2. What are some signs of heartburn?
  3. What's the average weight of someone who is 15?
  4. How to put in O.B. tampons?
  5. Can I get pregnant while on my period?
  6. Should I take a pregnancy test?
  7. How can I tell if my friend is anorexic?
  8. Are energy drinks good or bad for you?
  9. What are the signs of being pregnant?
  10. Everyone, stop being bulimic!
  11. What can I do to manage my anger?
  12. What does bulimia actually do to you?
  13. How many days can I live without water?
  14. How to take care of myself while pregnant?
  15. How to get rid of eye pain?
  16. How can I lose weight after my health problems?
  17. How do you cure halitosis?
  18. Is it bad to m*sturbate if you workout?
  19. How to help my daughter's anorexia?
  20. Which is more painful?
  21. Anyone else try this deodarant?
  22. What to do for back pain?
  23. How to deal with a horrible turn in my life?
  24. How should I stop smoking?
  25. How do I become stronger?
  26. Is your mom or dad fat?
  27. Why do my boobs hurt?
  28. Why is my friend so feminine?
  29. What would be your first reaction to testing HIV positive?
  30. Should I see a doctor for my Bulimia?
  31. Is my baby OK?
  32. How can I beat my social anxiety?
  33. Can I get a buzz off Robitussin DM?
  34. How to fix dry and cracked nipples?
  35. Is this a yeast infection symptom?
  36. Is this random vomiting pregnancy?
  37. When should I take a pregnancy test?
  38. How many types of pills can I take?
  39. Is this implantation bleeding?
  40. What are the side effects of Phentermine 37.5 pills?
  41. Can I be pregnant?
  42. What does giving birth feel like?
  43. Do I have cancer in my neck?
  44. How can I become anorexic?
  45. How to stop my life from getting out of control?
  46. How do I take care of my cartilege ring?
  47. Do I have a bladder infection?
  48. What happens if someone takes 10 pain killers?
  49. How can I stop thinking about suicide for my Mom's sake?
  50. Why am I changing?
  51. Is this common in pregnancy?
  52. What are these bumps formed next to my piercing?
  53. Can I get Vitamin D from the afternoon sun?
  54. What's this stinging pain in my chest?
  55. Why am I waking up with bruises on my body?
  56. What is insulin resistance?
  57. What's this pressure in my head?
  58. How long does it take for these medicines to work?
  59. What is causing this back pain?
  60. Why do I have this neck pain?
  61. How long does a shoutgun stay in your system?
  62. Why don't I ever smell too good down there?
  63. How to get rid of eczema?
  64. How to get help for my depression?
  65. What if my friend is sleeping over but has nits?
  66. Why do some people cry more than others?
  67. When is ovulation compared to menstruation?
  68. How to get into the splits?
  69. What if the doctors haven't helped?
  70. What are health benefits of marijuana?
  71. How to stop getting so stressed out?
  72. Is there any chance that I'll grow taller?
  73. What are symptoms of depression and do I have it?
  74. If you tear your hymen are you in a greater risk of getting pregnant?
  75. Am I going to grow anymore?
  76. Am I a diabetic and should I keep taking shots?
  77. How to soothe my sore throat?
  78. How to get over a bug in 24 hours?
  79. What medication will stop paranoia?
  80. How to get people to leave me alone about eating?
  81. How much do you grow after starting your period?
  82. Why is my period so random?
  83. Does anyone take Wellbutrin?
  84. What if I'm 15 and I think I'm pregnant?
  85. What are these headaches?
  86. How do escape myself?
  87. Did my baby stop growing?
  88. Has anyone tried Lyrica?
  89. What is mesothelioma?
  90. How can I become anorexic?
  91. Why do I start tearing at random?
  92. How do I gain self-esteem?
  93. How do I start to eat again after being dumped?
  94. How bad will giving birth hurt?
  95. What are these bumps on my vagina?
  96. What are these painful headaches?
  97. How can I become anorexic without my friends knowing?
  98. Why do I keep crying?
  99. What are the chances I could die from Vasculitis?
  100. What are symptoms of breast cancer?