What would be your first reaction to testing HIV positive?

If you are tested HIV positive, what will be your first reaction?

Answer #1


Answer #2

…denial… probably.

Answer #3

Totally freak out, then ask for another test, because I would KNOW it was wrong.

Answer #4

I’d probably cry then determination would take over.

Answer #5

ησσσσσσσσσσσσσσσσσσσσσσσ ℓσℓ . . . χ

Answer #6

Tears, probably.

Answer #7

P H U C K !!!

Answer #8

Uh, I don’t think so… test me again.

Answer #9

oh my god. I dont know. Im really paranoid. so i would freak!!

Answer #10

i would cry then just be all freaked out

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