Health Questions

  1. How to know she's telling the truth about diet pills?
  2. What on earth does a bone breastplate look like?
  3. What health problems can keep someone from the military?
  4. Is it weird to not feel pain?
  5. What is a good form of birth control?
  6. What are these sharp pains in my stomach?
  7. Rosacea lasered off?
  8. What's wrong with me?
  9. Women problems
  10. Advice to overcome Anorexia
  11. Will shaving down there give you crabs?
  12. What is this rash all over my body?
  13. Is it possible to get shingles again?
  14. Have you had dental work done under sedation due to phobia?
  15. What is the average number of times a person should pee?
  16. Why is my vagina skin dry?
  17. What's the point in life?
  18. How long is your period for?
  19. Weird smell when I urinate?
  20. I am 13 and havent started yet period yet,
  21. Could my tongue be infected?
  22. Clenbuterol what high street stores sell it?
  23. How do I talk to my husband about my eating disorder?
  24. Clear Discharge, does it mean anything?
  25. Can you get marijuana out of your system in 2 or 3 weeks?
  26. When to douche ?
  27. Why am I always depressed and stressing out?
  28. Should I get a blood test after a negative pregnancy test?
  29. What can I do to have a baby?
  30. Can I still have my period if I'm pregnant?
  31. How much can I grow?
  32. Why am I so OCD?
  33. Pregnant and she doesn't know what to do
  34. Do hickeys causes cancer?
  35. Can girls smoke a lot of weed and stii be able to become pregnant?
  36. How to make a stress stomachache disappear?
  37. How to stop premature ejaculation?
  38. Infrequent pot smoker wants a definitive answer
  39. My friend is anorexic
  40. Im 15 And Pregnant
  41. Is spotting after my period implantation bleeding?
  42. Is my hand still broken?
  43. Is it possible to have a contact lens stuck in my eye?
  44. Eye reassurance
  45. I see blurry out of my eye sometimes
  46. Marijuana vs Alchohol, which is worse for you?
  47. Marijuana is it worse than cigarettes?
  48. Is it possible to train myself to be an Insomniac?
  49. How to tell when you're ovulating?
  50. How to stop smoking?
  51. How can I control my anger?
  52. Where can I get therapy/counseling?
  53. When I finger myself, I get white stuff come out, what is it?
  54. God Healed my Ankle
  55. Can I find out the specific days when I'm most fertile?
  56. Smoking pot responsibly
  57. How long does klonopin stay in your urine?
  58. What causes nightmares?
  59. Hygiene and proper cleaning
  60. What is the Lou Gerig disease?
  61. My best friends death
  62. Best and effective diet pills?
  63. Add\adhd help
  64. Can weed be addictive?
  65. Do microwave rays hurt female reproduction?
  66. Finger cramping/spasms in children
  67. Control eating junk
  68. What does a heat flash feel like?
  69. Is xanax adictive and how long does it stay in your system?
  70. Depressed and miserable
  71. I think I may be bulimic
  72. Should I get rid of the baby?
  73. Horrible rash we've dried destin other remedies?
  74. Is it normal to touch myself?
  75. Do pads or tampons feel better?
  76. Horrible stomach pain
  77. if gasoline gets on your eye, what will happen ?
  78. How soon can I found out if I have a baby?
  79. Addiction to pain
  80. How do I make my flat butt not flat and bigger?
  81. Chest pains, sharp and hard to breathe
  82. Getting a wisdom tooth pulled
  83. Legal substance that tests like thc in the system?
  84. Did I break my pinkie toe?
  85. Tired of junk food
  86. Is it better to drink or to smoke?
  87. Getting fit, healthy and happy
  88. Does diabetes last a lifetime?
  89. How long periods last?
  90. Skin patches
  91. Rubbed my armpit too hard how to ease the pain?
  92. How do I get help, without a counselor?
  93. What do you call it when you need help?
  94. I need ways to cope with this pain
  95. Is this natural?
  96. Make yourself sick from worry about pregnancy?
  97. Why can't one body have two blood types?
  98. How long does it take to have diazepam leave your system?
  99. Why am I feeeling so down?
  100. How long does sperm stay in your system before it dies?