What's wrong with me?

For some reason, I feel like at lunch time at school it is embarrassing to eat my lunch. I pack basically the same thing everyday, a ham/cheese or pbj sandwich, a capris sun (because I love em to death!) an a few snacks. Lately, my grade has had assigned seats at lunch. When I had a boyfriend, and now that I’m crushing, I feel embarrassed to eat. Nobody around me eats, and I’m afraid I’ll look like some kind of pig. Something else that is embarrassing is that since I’m so embarrassed to eat, my stomach will growl for the rest of the day. I’m 13 years old and my weight goes up and down all the time. recently, my hands got very swollen and it was like my bones were sticking out of my body. it really scared me, but by the next day I was perfectly fine. the last time I checked my weight was right before I got in the shower, without clothes and after I used the bathroom (which is how you get the most accurate weight). I was 94 Ibs, and that night where my hands were swollen and all I was 87 Ibs. What’s wrong with me??

Answer #1

NOTHING! omg I know what you’re talking about. my friends are the same, like 2 out of 10 atually eat and the rest nibble on 2 calorie cookies. lol, it’s because they porably think they will look like pigs or they think they’r fat. just set he example and show them it’s no big deal, that’s what I do and most of my friends eat now. trust me even f you don’t see themeating much at school and even though they say they like never eat, tey totally pig out at home!! and just a heads up, eaing is healthy!! lol, and guys will choose a healthy girl over a skinny girl everytime!

Answer #2

Thanks!!! lol that was reallly helpful!

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