Why am I feeeling so down?

Why am I feeling so down and just so ill loads? Im getting worried now.

Answer #1

sometimes you can’t help it, I get like that at times and I usually just go and hang out with some friends, just distract yourself from the feeling. Don’t just sit their and think about it, because that will make it worse

Answer #2

I have moods like that it is actually natural and you should take a nap or go outside and do something fun and that will cheer you up.:)

Answer #3

maybe its because you are stressed and you need time by yourself so that you can think of a way for you to make you cheerful again

Answer #4

why would I be feeling really down thou?

Answer #5

I dont worry about sex thou

Answer #6

Unprotected sex can make you worry Tammy.

Answer #7

I have college all week thou.

Answer #8

its like I feel so tired all the time,

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