Depressed and miserable

Do anyone know of a nutritionlist who can help me to put together a diet plan I don’t no what kinds of foods that I should be eating or anything. The doctor says that I have artherits in both of my knees.and I am getting so depressed cause I don’t know what the hell to do I weigh 275lbs and I’m 5 feet4 inches my thighs and arms just wont go any where. I walk to work which is about 8 blocks there and 8 back. Can someone please please help make it so bad my clinic wont even recommend me to one they say you have to see a theripast for them to tell you what to do. Help lonely and desperate.

Answer #1

If you’re that depressed why won’t you go to a therapist? They really do help. You should be eating a lot of fruits and vegetables, some protein, meat and dairy. The best natural diet is a balanced diet. Try to remember that pre-packaged meals, while easier to prepare, are also not very healthy. Sorry I couldn’t be more help but I really don’t know much about nutritionalists.

For your own sake, find someone to talk to. You can lose all the weight you want and you could still be depressed. Talking does help.

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