Getting fit, healthy and happy

I’m recovering from an eating disorder and am using healthy eating and exercise to get me through it. I was just wondering if there was anyone out there who could just be there to help support me to keep me motivated to stick to this and not fall back into old unhealthy bad habbits.

Does anyone have any suggestions to keep me from falling back into bad habits?

Answer #1

My key piece of advice to you ireallyneedhelp would have to be chose your friends and advisors carefully. :)

The last thing you need at this time is ‘advice’ from Pro Ana/Pro Mia supporters.

I would suggest that you break links with any friends you have like this, at least until you feel stronger and less vunerable.

Also beware of certain people on this site offering friendly ‘advice’ and looking for buddies rather than helping you to beat what is essentially a mental health disease.

As I am sure you are aware, it is not about weightloss, this is just the physical manifestation of far deeper and darker issues in your life.

You really need to address these issues with a medical professional before you will be totally free to break your ED behaviour.

It will be a very hard struggle for you and you will most likely have relapses. Keep up the struggle and surround you with true friends.

You may not see it at the moment but beating this b*stard of a disease will most probably be one of the most important and hardest things that you ever have to do in your lifetime.

I have first hand knowledge of this disease and have watched a very good friend of mine totally lose her fight against this until her body could no longer cope with the damaged she had caused it.

Her ‘friends’ continued to encourage her with their ED ‘advice’ by e mail right up to the last day!!! (we did not know this until afterwards)

I would not wish this, what can actually turn out to be a long and painful death, upon my worse enemy. :(

Good luck with the fight.

PS You may find this link useful in your struggle:


Answer #2

yes. you should talk to supportive friends and family as much as possible! You should also join an eating disorder support group. I had a friend who went through the same thing and she really felt better when she was able to have a group to talk to. good luck.

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