I think I may be bulimic

Seems like a stupid question, yes, I know. But once in a while, I binge and I end up purging. After that, I try to eat normal (healthy no junk) and I ended up feeling sick and doing it again. I have a 1yr old son, and I try to make myself stop, I stop for a week, and it will happen again. I don’t do this everytime I eat, and not everyday. Maybe 2 times a weeks, or 5 times a week, or not at all for a few weeks. Any advice?

Answer #1

this is dumb to say but just so you know if you only puke every once in awhile you actually gain weight

Answer #2

Kiashu I told her she needs to stop what more you want from me?!?! If she has chosen this lifestyle she knows she can die if she takes it to far!!! Once you start it is hard to stop

Answer #3

‘I have a little problem also’ oceanwaves???

Bulimia & Anorexia are both MAJOR health risks, not ‘little problems’. People can DIE from the effects brought on by these two types of mental health deseases!

They are most certainly NOT ‘Little problems’!

Sorry, but it is essential that I clarify this to those reading the advice on here.


Answer #4

try and understand that by throwing up the food you eat, you become weaker, not skinnier. your body needs food. food=fuel. without food your body cant fuel itself to do the things it normally does in a day. and depriving your body of much needed food isnt the answer

Answer #5

ya it is something that sounds like you are bulumic.. please be careful on what you doing.. just be careful once you start it is hard to stop.. if you are new to the game please stop… there are a lot of bad side affects to that ed… I have a little problem also

Answer #6

I’ve heard from a friend who once had a nutrition consultant that its more healthy to eat at least 6 times a day and smaller amounts. I guess like snacking all day and having one good meal. At least thats what worked for him.

Answer #7

sorry kiasu I misread what you said I was kinda being sarcastic on saying little problem to clarify

Answer #8

Stop while You can. This is NEVER the answer =[

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