Health Questions

  1. Health and Losing Weight
  2. The guilty feeling after eating pizza
  3. Do I recover
  4. Bi-Polar disease.
  5. Help! I hurt my knee!
  6. Diagnosed meaning?
  7. What's happening?
  8. I just want to be happy
  9. I think I'm anemic?
  10. Seasonable period?
  11. How to tell my parents im anorexic
  12. Another smoking question...
  13. Numb Lip
  14. Weird bumps on my tongue
  15. Hyperactive
  16. How do you tell if you're pregnant?
  17. 108lbs , average weight?
  18. How do you know you're crazy?
  19. Not getting periods regularly
  20. Weigh a lot, look fat, but still fit into tiny clothes?
  21. I can't stop thinking!
  22. Sore Red Rash under nose and above lips
  23. High school anger,stress, and other how to cope
  24. Pissed off with my Gym mates
  25. Is it true that if your skinny it is harder to get pregnant?
  26. Not much Self-Esteem
  27. What is the avrage weight for teens?
  28. Can someone under 18 get a birth control patch?
  29. Partial birth abortion
  30. Getting rid of a cold?
  31. Will brushing and flossing prevent cavities from getting worse?
  32. My best friend smells like poo
  33. Does Anyone Else Have Aspergers Syndrome?
  34. how can I tell my mom I smoke?
  35. Feeling a mixture of emotions and other issues why?
  36. Weed and oregano
  37. Fat loss teas?
  38. How long does it take for your stomach to absorb calories?
  39. Why do teens want to be pregnant?
  40. Why have I been sedated?
  41. Depressed? I don't know.
  42. When is the best time to go 4 it??
  43. hypoglycemia
  44. y do I jerk when I sleep
  45. can I be pregnant if the test says negative??
  46. Can I still be pregnant it preg test says no??
  47. What is spermicide?
  48. caffine high
  49. How long does it take for prozac to work?
  50. How do I use a tampon?!
  51. is it any possible to get prenant when period delay for 2 months
  52. Hypoglycemic-Diabetic
  53. how can I lose weight quickly?
  54. What's the difference between the Flu and common cold?
  55. Stop breasts growing
  56. tampon problem?
  57. getting too thirsty these days
  58. Why are my knickers soaked in the crotch area?
  59. how many times a day is one supposed to pee ??
  60. what happens when you see a counsellor?
  61. Should I see a doctor about my mirena iud?
  62. At what stage in pregnancy can you feel movement?
  63. What is this ball above my vagina?
  64. Why did a whole bunch of white stuff come out?
  65. Could it be compulsive overeating disorder?
  66. I cant stop eating, do I have an illness?
  67. Does sugar make a cold worse?
  68. How do Miscarriages Work Exatctly??
  69. What do I need to do to reduce my high cholesterol?
  70. What does out of control mean?
  71. What are some home remedies for this?
  72. What pills look like oxycontin?
  73. Pregnant and feel sick when I eat, what do I do?
  74. Is there a real disorder where your mind is stuck in a video game?
  75. Any health risks in smoking Cigerette paper alone?
  76. Should I really take bleach baths?
  77. Is it bad to take diet pills ordered off the internet?
  78. is it possible to get pubic lice if your crotch is shaved?
  79. Does smoing/lack of sleep cause headaches?
  80. How long does weed take to leave your system?
  81. Leg fall alseep
  82. Type 1 Diabetes
  83. Cigarettes...cancer
  84. Kids hurt?
  85. What happens if you take the pill while youre pregnant?
  86. How do people who are on dank act ??
  87. Mouthwash for tongue ring..
  88. Would like to know more about reiki?
  89. A permanent solution to allergy.
  90. Whats the difference between suicidal and para-suicidal?
  91. How do I get over my nerves?
  92. I like smoking
  93. I am so depressed but I dont know why...
  94. How do I find out if I have an overbite?
  95. Should I get pregnant?
  96. Nancy Reagan and her fractured pelvis
  97. What happened to me when I couldn't move?
  98. Period signs
  99. Underarm lump
  100. Why won't I ever have a period?