Is it bad to take diet pills ordered off the internet?

Is it bad to take high strength diet pills? Like those ones you can order over the internet?

Answer #1

Most of them are bad or just don’t do anything - I suggest consulting with your doctor before taking any diet pills because some are rather dangerous.

Answer #2

You never know what is in any sort of medication you order online, be it ‘natural’ or pharmaceutical drugs. For all you know, these pills could be as harmless as sugar pills, or as harmful as horse tranquilizers.

Plus, diet pills are never a healthy solution, nor do I find them terribly credible. If you’re really looking to lose weight, a balanced diet and exercise are the best way to go.

Answer #3

diet pills arnt the answer , really , cause after you get off them , you gain the weight anyway ( gain it back )

so I say drink like 8 glass’s of water a day , and in 2-3 weeks it’ll start cleaning you out , what I do I drink a tone of water a day ( and dont like the taste of water ? get crystal light )

and I work out everynight before bed , or during the day , I do 10 - 15 mins a day . you can do what ever , and also , diet pills , they DO eat away at your insides , its terrible but there soo bad for your oragans , even if it says there okay for them not true

– goodluck

Answer #4

Don’t fall for these things, they don’t work most of the time. Is doing it the healthy way by exercising and a healthy diet such a hard thing? If you don’t want to feel hungry between meals you should eat a lot more fiber to fill you up or even try apple cider vinegar.

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