Underarm lump

I noticed that I have this bump/lump on my upper underarm…close to my armpit but technically its my upperarm. I get discomfort when I touch it. What could it be??

Answer #1

it sounds like we have the same problem in the same spot. I went to the doctor and they gave me an ultrasound becuase they felt the lump also, and they said it looks like a benign tumor. so I went to the surgeon today and he did another ultrasound, he told me that it looks like a fiboadenoma benign tumor. he wants to be sure though so he wants me to come back in 6 month. and if it has gotten bigger he will remove it by biopsy, though he said based on the ultrasound that the other doctor did (a month ago) and the one that he did it looks a little bigger. but if yours isn’t a tumor it might be a lobule in your breast that has devolped faster then the rest. but in order to know for sure you need to get an ultrasound or mammogram, that is the only way to find out. yu don’t have to worry to much about benign tumors, because they can be removed or treated. it’s the malignant ones you need to worry about.

Answer #2

I get those tender lumps under my pits close or during my period and after shaving sumtimes…I was scared at first but my doc said they were normal…forget what he called it though, my mum used to get em too

Answer #3

dont mean to freak you out, but it might b cancer. go to a doctor ASAP. the sooner you go the quicker ull b treated and itll all b gone.

Answer #4

You need to go to a doctor. They might need to biopsy it because, and this is the worst case scenerio, it could be cancer. I doubt it is, but just in case.

Answer #5

Could just be a boil, may go away after a few days. But if you are concerned, and it’s growing…consult a doctor.

Answer #6

I don’t mean to be rude but it can be a oddly shape pimple cause you can get a pimple anywhere

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