Health Questions

  1. I got my period and what am I suppose to do when I take my shower?
  2. What kind of phobia or fear do you have
  3. Infected cyst?
  4. Fainting stories.. Love 2 hear
  5. Eating problem
  6. How do you know if you have an eating disorder?
  7. How do you get rid of head lice
  8. How to be healthy
  9. Why is my body so sore?
  10. Is it best to shower or bath when sick?
  11. Why Do I Wake Up Sore?
  12. Itchy finger
  13. scuicide
  14. how to get tight
  15. Wisdom Tooth?
  16. One A Day Vitamin / Birth control
  17. I want to LOSE WEIGHT SO FAST !!!
  18. Gain Confidence
  19. gfs period is late
  20. hungry or full?
  21. Burning cheeks!---burning cheeks
  22. How to value yourself
  23. Stopped smoking, continue to grow?
  24. Bad breathing?
  25. What foods should you eat to stop craving junk food?
  26. is 4'11'' too short for a 17 year old girl?
  27. Medcia Question
  28. Area around the end of my toenail is BLACK.
  29. went tanning got Burned!!! any advice???
  30. How many days---Pregnant
  31. How long will it take to lose 40 pounds?
  32. Im Gettingg Sickk =(
  33. Give me secrets on thighs
  34. Cleansing from marijauna smoke?
  35. Losing sleep
  36. Diff sizes???
  37. We can't get second child
  38. Hurt my back need some home remidies...
  39. Thick period
  40. Pale toes
  41. Am I Overweight at 5'4 and 144 pounds?
  42. should my fundal height be measuring 7cm if I'm 7 weeks?
  43. How do I prevent blushing?
  44. My friend smellls but she wont admit it.
  45. I cry myself to sleep sometimes?
  46. How long does it take before you start to see results from anorexia
  47. I have pain in my hip
  48. What could it be? Your opinion.
  49. Cycle of addiction
  50. Fear of touch
  51. How to shorten your period?
  52. Whats wrong with my butthole
  53. How to get pregnant?
  54. Cigarettes with more nicotine?
  55. Pregnancy confirmation
  56. Slept with tampon
  57. 25 hours of no sleep
  58. Can it be a normal cold sore or herpes
  59. How to lose a baby?
  60. I just want to know
  61. Showering before bed
  62. alcohol poisioning
  63. Life expectancy calculator
  64. done with children
  65. wheres the hymen located?
  66. what are some things that help you sleep?
  67. breathing/chest
  68. Brusing on my ankle?
  69. is this a panic attack?
  70. how to control my anger
  71. Premenstrual Syndrome?
  72. Help me!!!
  73. Why does semen smell like chlorine?
  74. Do I have a eating dissorder?
  75. people can have gingivitis even if they brush many times
  76. Wants to kill herself...Please HELP
  77. Self-conscious and Self-absorbed
  78. underwieght?
  79. what the hecks wrong with my eye??
  80. Will My Tooth Need To Be Pulled Out?
  81. psoriasis :(
  82. How did this happen to me?
  83. pregnant or not pt.2
  84. Will I grow out of my fits?
  85. Good health insurance offer or not?
  86. How far should a girl go deep in your "place down there"?
  87. Jaw locking up?
  88. Why? Girls help!
  89. My Cousin
  90. Blood Pregnancy Test
  91. When Frequent Urination Becomes a Problem
  92. bump on my eye
  93. Anyway to know if you are fertile?
  94. 7 weeks pregnant & already showing!
  95. is sleeping a lot a sign of being pregnant??
  96. testicle question
  97. pregnancy tests, and prices!
  98. am in hospital and cant sleep
  99. losing the baby, but keeping it a secret?
  100. Would my parents find out about the abortion?