How to be healthy

I’m 13 and I really need to get skinner and eat healthier howcan I get moviated please help

Answer #1

you could motivate yourself by saying to yourself that “this is the year for change” also you could get friends to work out with you, staying healthy shouldn’t be hard after you give it a powerful start.

Answer #2

I personally used to get a bit self conscious when I worked out with people, if thats your case, honestly finding the right music and setting a specific time to work out every day (dont ever make an excuse to not do it that day) it really helps. Come up with a reward system for yourself (thats not food related) if you reach a goal size and whatnot.

Answer #3

eat healthy, and if you have an ipod/cd player then make a playlist of a bunch of cool songs that will pump you up and go on with a friend or so and do some crunches or jog 2 laps then walk 1 and repeat…

Answer #4

Well, I Iost weight and I’m staying healthy by counting my calorie intake, and making sure I’m getting the right nutrients.. And running at least 30min. every day..

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Good luck hun.

Answer #5

Your diet should be a perfectly ideal healthy diet should be 80% fruits and vegetables 45% of those being cooked and 35% of those being raw. Also the other 20% of your diet should be anything like meats and good fats. Try to stay away from anything that has high carbs except for the fruits and vegetables of course.

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