gfs period is late

I know there is a chance of her begging pregnant. But she says her period is always late but she never really gave me a date it should come on she said her period came on the 8th last month but I don’t think it did I remember her period came on like a thur/fri and the 8th of december was a monday. But regardless I know her period should be here sometime soon I’m freaking out but she tells me not to worry her period is always late. She hasn’t experienced morning sickness the only signs of pregnancy that she has had is maybe headaches and she has had back aches but she said b/c of dance class and her back always hurts. I don’t know though I’m scared she seems to have some of the early sign symptoms.

Could I be causing her stress by talking about it which could be making it not come on time? I heard stress can do that.

what do you peeps thank?

Answer #1

if she is usually always late then shes probally isnt. but you should get her to take a test to be sure. and stress can do that so try not to stress her out about it shes probally just as scared about as you are but she doesnt want to worry you so try not to mention it to her too often.

Answer #2

This question is the most popular one on here, I’m not sure why since no one here can answer it… Tell her to take a test, it’s the only way to know for sure…

Answer #3

Thanks for the responses everyone. I think she is stressed out about it I’m deff stressed so I know I’ve put it on her. Hopefully she isn’t preggo it would sure suck b/c she is getting on birth control within the next few days and I would feel like a complete idiot if I messed up and got her preggo. I just hope god is looking out for me I prayed and everything. I’m so worried

Answer #4

if youve had unprotected sex, then yes, she could be pregnant if you had protected sex then theres a much less likly chance but its still possible tell her to get a pregnancy test or go to the doctors for a blood test for a more accurate result yes stress can put off her period from comming and periods dont always come on the samew day every month it might come a few days before or a few after

Answer #5

That could be it- stress can delay periods. Just give it some time and if its more than a week or so late, have her take a test.

Answer #6

Some peoples period dont always come at the same time. Dont stress to much just take a test to be safe.

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