Help me!!!

My friend is lactose intolerant and she keeps get made fun of. I keep telling them 2 stop but they wot they just think its so hilarious. I really felt bad, but then that night I figured out that I was illegeric to grass. Is it weird 2 be illergic 2 grass?

Answer #1

hell just ignore them. if it really bothers your “friend” then learn about their flaws that they have no control over and next time your problem comes up from that person just tell them about their problem. OR JUST IGNORE IT, THEYLL FORGET.

Answer #2

They have to be fuc*ing idiots to make fun of someone who is lactose intolerant, how is that funny? They have bad taste if you ask me. And it is pretty rare for someone to be allergic to grass. I don’t understand that, doesn’t it go against all of human nature. Imagine if you were one of the first humans on the planet and you’re allergic to grass, you’d have to sit in your cave all day lol.

Answer #3

I’m allergic to idiots that make fun of others as if they have no flaws…

Answer #4

I think its wired 2 be elergic 2 grass

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