Health Questions

  1. why dose my nose hurt when I breath threw it
  2. Lip Piercing Infected, Or..?
  3. What can I do if I burnt my tounge?
  4. How to get better fast?
  5. About my cracked tooth...
  6. Need help wiht this weed problem
  7. How can I strengthen my gums?
  8. Sleep?
  9. When should a take a preg. Test
  10. restless leg syndrome
  11. How to get rid of syriosis
  12. Dif between a psycologist and a counsellor??
  13. legs =[
  14. How do you get rid of backne?
  15. Swim&&periods
  16. Can you start showing at 6 weeks?
  17. Am I Being Paranoid Or Should I See A Doctor?
  18. Fastest way to get marajuana out of your system?
  19. 5 weeks pregnant
  20. weed test
  21. Cut myself accidentally with my razor, it wont stop!!!
  22. Wtf is with my ears?
  23. How long does it take for a boy to ejaculate?
  24. Can you get pregnant from swallowing sperm?
  25. Eraser burns
  26. Questions About Laxatives
  27. Ametop gel - anaesthetic
  28. Not know 6 weeks pregnant?
  29. Constant Stomach Pains =/
  30. 16 years
  31. Chance of pregnancy?
  32. E trip
  33. Stop breathing so loud in sleep?
  34. Is it a bad thing if I haven't got my period for 5 months or more?
  35. Painful mouth ?
  36. During neck surgery... Sue?
  37. Girl troubles!!!
  38. Why am I so sad?
  39. When you touch lip or tongue do you feel
  40. Inhaling pot smoke
  41. Best time to get prego?
  42. Kids with A.D.D take what?
  43. Bellybutton piercings - how long before you can go swimming ? :)
  44. Coping with sad feelings.
  45. Birth control pills?
  46. breastfeeding, does it feel good?
  47. Nose bleeds
  48. Sore feet
  49. Virgin cream - when can you take it??
  50. Does losing your virginity hurt?
  51. pulled/straigned ligament
  52. Am I a pyro?
  53. Do I have bipolar disorder?
  54. Crap disease..?
  55. 5 days late
  56. Vagina smells like poop?
  57. negative attention addict, need ways to get it.
  58. Blacking out?
  59. what could be wrong?
  60. Scared of what the doctor will say..
  61. Is this a sign of being pregnant?
  62. What happens with the condom?
  63. 5 weeks pregnant
  64. Period 15th of jan
  65. What do you think it is?
  66. Will I have ED forever?
  68. Foul Smelling Blood
  69. piercing infection
  70. Leg aches and enlarged areolas
  71. Could I be pregnant,please help!?!
  72. Hard time at work.
  73. Sickness called...?
  74. please tell me that im not pregnant
  75. URGENT:Should I See A Doctor?
  76. don't want to waste doctors time
  77. 13 and NOT losing baby teeth.
  78. Medicaid or Medical
  79. how do you smoke a cigar
  80. Do men have frequent urination during pregnacy?
  82. Dentist please help
  83. Known pregnancy before a month
  84. non lubritcated condom aren't as effective?
  85. Low White Blood Cells
  86. I think I'm pregnant
  87. Why ribs hurt?
  88. Pcp test urgent please help!!!
  89. no more ovarian cyst...but whats causing this...
  90. The morning after pill?
  91. My ex-girlfriend:Help
  92. I want my lip pierced but im not sure
  93. Yeast Infection questions?
  94. Pregnanty and blood donating?
  95. Would you be just as fertile?
  96. Vagina Problem! HELP
  97. Goosebump dots on penis
  98. Kicked pregnant friend in the stomach
  99. Techniques on getting to sleep
  100. Appendix