General Knowledge Questions

  1. What are some trends that a lot of people follow that you don't like?
  2. What would you do if a random person in the street groped you but you don't know who it was?
  3. If you got to be the opposite gender for 1 day, what would you do?
  4. What do you understand by the word 'perception'?
  5. What does it mean to dream about being pregnant with an alien?
  6. Why do people like to tell others where they are and that kind of thing on their profiles?
  7. Does anyone here buy/collect lego and are from the UK?
  8. What do you know about USAGC?
  9. Why do people easily believe in lies rather than the truth?
  10. What is Happy Hour?
  11. Why does my voice sound like a guy on audio?
  12. Does cardboard or Styrofoam being rubbed together give you the chills?
  13. What is your favorite activity?
  14. Why don't they ever show professional driver's faces?
  15. What do you think the phrase "I will catch you if you fall" means?
  16. What does 'feminine' mean ?
  17. what do u do when someone starts shit with u?
  18. What does 'infamous' mean?
  19. How do I avoid these people I hate when they're going to be at my house?
  20. What significant life changing expierences helped you become who you are today?
  21. How can I act more mature on things?
  22. If you had to leave your house/flat in a hurry, and could only take one item, what would it be?
  23. When you look at someone what's the first thing you look at?
  24. Why are people from other countries constantly offended when (North) Americans don't know much about their country, history, etc.?
  25. What is Arbour Day?
  26. What would a character that is chivalrousness, kind, and understanding look like?
  27. What is the most dangerous thing you have ever done?
  28. What is the difference between Hispanic, Spanish, Latin, and Latino?
  29. Why do rich people have a lot of power?
  30. How do I learn how to say "no" to people?
  31. Why do we strive for power?
  32. What's your personality like?
  33. How did they come up with a bunny for easter?
  34. What does "sadistic" mean?
  35. How did it come about to give chocolate and Easter baskets for Easter anyways?
  36. Does "budget" mean the same as an estimate?
  37. Are there homeless shelters everywhere?
  38. What is a requiem?
  39. What is the difference between watt meter and watt-hour meter?
  40. What does it mean if someone says they're Creole?
  41. Where does the ring bearer stand after walking down the aisle at a wedding ceremony waiting for the ring exchange?
  42. What are good quotations other than "Stop Outsourcing" to be put on t-shirts for MayDay?
  43. Why is it when a person decides to giving nothing but a honest view are they often labeled as an asshole or worse?
  44. Do you believe you have a negative or a positive influence on others?
  45. Do you think using profanity is cool?
  46. How has everyone been fooled today?
  47. Does anybody wear watches anymore?
  48. What is the price of a gallon of gasoline (or petrol) where you live?
  49. What is the effect that media has on public opinions?
  50. What is a skinhead?
  51. When there are rules in place, do you believe that exceptions should be made for the rules or should they always be strictly followed?
  52. What are some stupid/random, but logical, questions?
  53. Do prefer to solve a problem right then and there or put it off?
  54. Why were humans born?
  55. Why do people call me at 2 in the morning and keep me on the phone for an hour until I force the call to end?
  56. How can I act on impulse more often?
  57. How do I stop feeling like this towards the world (read more)?
  58. What is the weirdest, most unexplained/unexpected thing that has ever happened to you?
  59. Is telling someone what they want to hear considered lying?
  60. What is the air-speed velocity of an unladen swallow?
  61. How do you defuse a BOMB?
  62. How do you view yourself as a person?
  63. Is it possible that there could be abandoned ships in the ocean just floating around for years?
  64. When you know it is going to be a bad day, are there any tricks you use, or anything you tell yourself to make it easier to just get through it?
  65. How easy is it for you to be impartial?
  66. Why, for the most part, is new more appealing than old?
  67. Why do the garbage men come at about 5 AM in poor neighborhoods but, in better neighborhoods, they come later?
  68. Should I trick or treat after age 14?
  69. How can you stop yourself from hearing annoying/harsh words from someone your forced to listen to?
  70. What's your opinion on gift giving and presents and what is expected?
  71. What is a transvestite?
  72. What is a mistake you've made in your life?
  73. Which one is the synonym of ample: wide or plenty?
  74. Why did Helen Keller have to write a speech?
  75. What is a meme?
  76. Do you feel anything when you make a fireball with a lighter?
  77. Which is stonger - twine or hemp?
  78. What does "puritanical" mean?
  79. How can I organize my life better?
  80. What do you think is the American dream for women?
  81. Is the USA the only country that does daylight savings?
  82. How do you feel about daylight savings time?
  83. What does "fragile" mean?
  84. What does "yolo" stand for?
  85. What are internal assets?
  86. What's an analogy?
  87. Do you believe you need to wait for inspiration or that you can go out and find it?
  88. What does "prego club" mean?
  89. What are some really weird words?
  90. What do you think of the name "Mizore", and what do you think of non-Japanese people having Japanese names?
  91. What does it mean to be a corner stone?
  92. Why did Helen Keller have to meet Dr. Bell?
  93. What should a scary insane asylum room have in it?
  94. What's your biggest accomplishment as a child?
  95. What does muchachos mean?
  96. What's your daily morning and night routine?
  97. How do you usually spend your Sunday afternoons?
  98. Does anyone know what cann!bal food (humans) looks like?
  99. What's something random off the top of your head at this very moment?
  100. What does "passive-aggressive" mean?
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