Answer #1

I’m really nice to like everyone, I try and give everyone a chance and don’t judge. I’m really friendly and goofy… I tend to act more like 14 or younger rather then 18 I can b mature at times. I’m super shy when I don’t know someone.

Answer #2

mostly spontaneous, a bit of a joker, i don’t like people who are uptight and cant work with em

there is so much you cannot really explain ones personality

Answer #3

Yes you can, your just not creative..

Answer #4

I try to be nice, but I get annoyed pretty easily with most people. I get bored of stuff that people usually talk about easily and prefer more stimulating conversations or debate. I tend to be quite the pessimist and pretty quiet most the times and rather anti-social. I’m not good at talking to people and I usually don’t have much to say. I’m pretty lazy haha, and I have a weird sense of humor.

Answer #5

I won’t say the line “I’m my own person” ‘cause everyone claims it and supposedly does it. I’m an open minded person that says just about everything straight forward but I know when to be quiet…..sometimes.

But to really understand my personality, you have to get to know me.

Answer #6

mmm i m not friendly i don’t like to talk to much i don’t have friends and i love to be alone don’t like parties and its been more then 12 years i’ve never been in any party i love to read love stories and i love to listen lots of love songs i like to write poetry alot thats it nothing much ‘o’

Answer #7

Well, I make people laugh alot so you could say i’m funny, I try to keep people happy and try to act confident even when i’m not.

Answer #8

I’m lazy and if you provoke me you will see a fist flying towards your face :D but I’m happy most of the time and when I’m not I’m usually pissed

Answer #9

no you can’t, not everyone knows their personality well, unless your a total egocentric person you will not know, you can say nice and kind but people may see you different depending on how you act around them….

it is constantly in a state of flux, unless you come from Movie world you’re not always the same.

personality is a highly debated topic among psychologists and my creativity has nothing to do with me not explaining every nook and cranny of my “personality”

please you haven’t even written anything yourself

Answer #10

I’m actually pretty shy and reserved. I don’t open up to people easily. Most of the time, I’m just going with the flow. I’m extremely laid back and chill, and I get along better with people who aren’t obnoxious. I’d like to think of myself as a nice person, but I am constantly having cynical thoughts about everyone I come across. I tend to do a lot of observing and listening, rather than talking. Unfortunately, this can backfire because I’ll sometimes think too much and over analyze the littlest things. Around my friends, I’m a happier person and we share the same weird sense of humor.

Answer #11

Well, just say you dont know it, or dont respond to this post.. duh.

Answer #12

To the everyday person I am a cold introvert with a dark sense of humor. I like to mentally f**k with people. But to my wife and kid I am playful and loving. INTJ FTW

Answer #13

Introverted, but able to converse easily with people so most people think im extroverted. I like to be around people but after a while I need to be alone. I like structure and organisation, though I can never seem to keep my room tidy and my organisation tends to allow for some spontaneity. Im also a bit insane and random and my thinking tends to be a bit creative and abstract.

Answer #14

We’re almost the same - Im INFJ

Answer #15

Informer used Information Information missed!

Astoria’s IQ fell by 20 points

badum Tss

Answer #16


Answer #17

I’m like fire and ice. I have a chilled back easy going side and then my balls to the wall side that comes out when someone messes with my family. Always talkative and very creative. Artsy you can say.

Answer #18

I’m shy;an introvert. I creep out of my shell only when it comes to my boyfriend and mother. They tell me I can be quite quirky.

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