Answer #1

A skinhead is a white supremacist. They are usually white males who believe that they are superior to every other race and will often times shave their heads bald. They are also very racist and often attack other races such as african americans and mexicans.

Answer #2

Ahhhhhhhh!!! I get the shaved head part but why in the hell would people call me this? Im mixed race- black n white and some spainish ECT.

Answer #3

Because you shaved your head and they are just being ignorant a$$holes

Answer #4

Not all skinheads are racists though. In the 80s I used to go to a punk club called The Outhouse in Lawrence KS that was ran by non-racist skin heads. I forgot their name but you’d get your ass pummled playing any racist stuff around them (I”m mixed and it was a sanctuary for me as that is a very racist area full of the KKK). I also was in a band with a white skinhead anti-racist who dated a black girl.

Jamie if you don’t have hair that’s why they are calling ou that. I don’t think they mean the racist skinhead type. They’re just messing with you in general if you aren’t 100% (or don’t appear to be) white.

Answer #5

They were probably sharps then

Answer #6

Lol thanks guys cause im not rascist at all ! Lol ill think of so smart remark to get them back. :)

Answer #7

All the above comments explained it very well, I would just like to add that they are also lost and stupid. Many and most of them are immature men or mostly young boys and young men who “follow” them. The younger men are lost, no guidance or direction and just want to “belong” somewhere. Easy targets for the skin head “cult leaders” to recruit. I’ve watched a couple documentarys about it with actual footage and it’s ridiculous how brainwashed these people are into believing who they “think” they are. I don’t see them as much of a threat to anyone as they are really just a bunch of drunk clowns unless they are in a group, because that’s when they attack people because they are cowardly. It also makes me mad when they mis-quote and mis-interperet the Bible for their stupid cause. They will be judged for their actions.

Answer #8

skin heads are people that make the world interesting. with out them i would get random bits of entertainment every few years

Answer #9

I like to shave my head too every now and then. Feels good man. I guess because you have skin showing where there used to be hair it would make sense to call you a skinhead or a baldy. I guess some neo-nazis like to shave their heads too. Monks sometimes shave their heads. hmm. Your friends that call you a skinhead when you are not exactly pale skinned are just trying to make fun of you because they dont have the balls to shave their head.

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