Food & Dining Questions

  1. Can you name some good "brain" foods?
  2. Who makes the best hamburger where you live, in your opinion?
  3. Can you bake brownies without baking powder or baking soda?
  4. How come I can never get nice pancakes?
  5. How many servings do restaurants usually give on one plate?
  6. What is a unique birthday cake flavour that you have tried and loved?
  7. How did "Good and Plenty's" get their name?
  8. How much do bagels cost at Panera Bread?
  9. Which meal you like the most?
  10. Can you use skim sweetened condensed milk after its "use by" date?
  11. Who else loves ChowKing restaurant?
  12. Why are beef, chicken, turkey, and fish the most common meats and others not?
  13. What are the best restaraunts ever?
  14. How do you like your eggs in the morning?
  15. Where is a good place online I can find healthy recipes for common foods?
  16. What do you like putting on your hot dog?
  17. What are some good vegetarian lunch ideas for school lunches?
  18. What's the best place to get dessert in Manhattan?
  19. Is there any way to compare restaurants side by side online?
  20. What can make a cup of tea taste nicer?
  21. What is something funny to write on a cake?
  22. Do chicken flavor bouillon cubes go bad?
  23. How do you make a simple chicken gravy with usual household stuff?
  24. Where can I get grapefruit juice?
  25. What is the difference between olive oil and extra virgin olive oil?
  26. What is the best red velvet cupcake & icing recipe that you personally use?
  27. Do grapes spoil more in the refrigerator than in the freezer?
  28. What is probiotic yogurt?
  29. Which is better: oil-packed or water-packed tuna?
  30. What age is considered a kid at IHOP?
  31. Where would you find tofu products or meals for vegetarians at a grocery store?
  32. Who says you can't have your cake and eat it too?
  33. Why is airplane food so gross?
  34. Does anybody know a quick, tasty fudge recipe?
  35. Can I cook fudge inside of a cookie?
  36. Who's ever heard of the Chinese restaraunt, Tang Chai?
  37. Who's ever heard of the Italian restaraunt called Carino's Grill/Johnny Carino's?
  38. Is nutella healthy ?
  39. How was tea first invented?
  40. What were some popular drinks with teenagers / college students in the 60's and were there any drinking games or such?
  41. What is a wierd food combo you crave?
  42. What percentage of people in America eat doughnuts?
  43. What are your favourite snacks?
  44. Is pancake batter and waffle batter the same thing?
  45. Do you prefer hot dogs or hamburgers?
  46. What is your favorite flavor of Life water?
  47. How do US baking measurements convert into UK measurements?
  48. What is the percentage of alcohol in drinks in Paris, France?
  49. Do you prefer Root Beer or Sprite?
  50. Is it harmful to open a bag of Lipton tea and eat the raw tea leaves?
  51. Why is salt better and more "healthy" when added during cooking rather than after?
  52. What was this German dish?
  53. How do you make no-bake cookies?
  54. Why is chocolate so yummy?
  55. What are some challenging baked recipes that are not very common?
  56. Why does Diet Coke freeze faster than regular Coke?
  57. Can you buy Ben and Jerry's ice cream in Adelaide?
  58. What is the best type of energy drink that actully works?
  59. How to make Sushi rice?
  60. How do you like YOUR subway sandwich?
  61. Do you think chocolate cupcakes with lemon frosting would be weird-gross or weird-yummy tasting?
  62. Where can I buy raw honey?
  63. What are some good snacks for 2-5 year-olds?
  64. What is the best recipe for making butterbeer?
  65. What is a recipe for chocolate brownies?
  66. What's your favorite Polish recipe?
  67. Is it bad for chicken to be the slightest bit pink?
  68. Is gum biodegradable?
  69. How to stop an avocado going brown?
  70. What's something fun that I can cook?
  71. Does anyone have a good recipe for Swiss Rolls?
  72. How to bake without my oven?
  73. What do you like to drink more - Gatorade or Powerade?
  74. How can I make cake icing without powdered sugar?
  75. What do you like to eat more - Milky Way or Snickers?
  76. Why do onions make us cry when we cut them up?
  77. How can you tell lettuce and cabbage apart?
  78. What are some healthy vegetarian lunch recipes for a hot day?
  79. What kind of alcohol do you drink when you go out?
  80. What is this dish called: pasta noodles mixed with cottage cheese and ranch?
  81. Can anyone recommend a good, cheap ice-cream maker that makes a substantial amount of ice-cream?
  82. Can you make French Toast with out dipping it in beaten eggs?
  83. Is orange named after the fruit or is the fruit named after the color?
  84. Why do bananas bruise?
  85. Is Canada Dry Ginger Ale made in Canada?
  86. What is your favourite potato salad recipe?
  87. How do I make chocolate strawberries?
  88. Did you know that the average chocolate bar has at least 8 insect legs in it?
  89. Does a Jewish person eat German chocolate cake?
  90. Is oatmeal & bananas a good breakfast?
  91. Do you prefer powdered coffee creamer, or the liquid?
  92. What's the difference between scalloped potatoes, au gratin potatoes, and cheese potatoes?
  93. Does McDonald's in America still use "super size"?
  94. What are some great chicken breast recipes?
  95. Is black coffee gross?
  96. What makes a better coffee creamer?
  97. What's a good recipe to make orange chicken?
  98. Is it just me or does white chocolate melt slower than milk chocolate?
  99. Would you be able to tell the difference between a diet Coke and flat Coke?
  100. Is there such thing as pineapple salsa?
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