Food & Dining Questions

  1. Fat burning coffee
  2. Are there any calories in a gum ?
  3. Baby food
  4. Smoothie recipe?
  5. Jon & Kate plus 8
  6. Favorite energy drinks?
  7. Healthy foods?
  8. Rotisserie chicken
  9. What's your favorite vitamin water?
  10. Cheesecake factory and five guys
  11. Making homemade pizza for a party
  12. Favorite sandwich?
  13. Favorite kind of cookie?
  14. How do you make grilled cheese
  15. What category are nuts classified as?
  16. Is this a weird combo to have for a meal?
  17. Beers
  18. Does anyone like seafood?
  19. If you order Pizza do you like Hungry Howies or Jets?
  20. How do I stop eating so much?
  21. King Salmon, how do I still find it available?
  22. Ice cream and brownies
  23. How much is brown sugar?
  24. Do you know where I can buy bicol express?
  25. Where can I find pili nuts?
  26. Burger or chips
  27. Killing animals for meat
  28. Which type of water do you all like, pure or tap?
  29. Why doesnt chicken taste like eggs?
  30. Ice cream flavors
  31. Who likes to eat biryani and palaho
  32. Monsters vs. Coffee, what is safe?
  33. Ways to keep food down?
  34. Vegetarian: to be or not to be?
  35. Addicted To Mr.Goodbars
  36. Beef Sandwich
  37. Super foods?
  38. Healthiest popcorn you can buy?
  39. A non sticky gum?
  40. Chocolate Skittles
  41. Disgustingly good food mixtures
  42. mediterranean chicken recipes?
  43. Out of curiosity
  44. What is the best way to get drunk cheaply?
  45. What crazy foods do you cook and eat?
  46. Huge bag of skittles?
  47. Hot cheetos asteroids
  48. Vacation Fast Food
  49. How do you make homemade oatmeal?
  50. Rice Cakes, best brand and flavor?
  51. Popcorn seeds are they actually corn?
  52. Anyone like coffee?
  53. Is the food pyramid correct?
  54. Pie or cake
  55. Best kind of pudding?
  56. What sort of foods do you like to eat?
  57. Is brown sugar vegan/vegetarian?
  58. Vegetarian Foods
  59. Jagermeister does it have to stay cold?
  60. VeggieDogs
  61. Soft Pretzels :D
  62. Pepsi or Coke?
  63. What foods have high levels of iron?
  64. What to do if I only like a few vegetables?
  65. How many caloires are in a slice of BBQ chicken pizza?
  66. How to get a creatine boost ?
  67. Who here has a diet which consists of all organic food?
  68. Different ways to cook chicken
  69. Do you prefer choclate or Lollipops?
  70. Who hates jello?
  71. Rather have a snickers or a milky way?
  72. Favorite restaurant?
  73. Know any good snacks to eat
  74. What can I have for tea?
  75. Comebacks for vego debates
  76. What is your favourite alcoholic drink?
  77. What age were you when you had your first drink of alcohol?
  78. How can I be healthy?
  79. Im addicted to pop
  80. Any skittles lovers out there?
  81. Can you freeze candy bars to use later?
  82. What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
  83. Does anyone like Kraft Dinner?
  84. Green Tea & Lipton's Brisk Tea
  85. Do you like cornflakes?
  86. Strangest thing you've eaten?
  87. 16th birthday barbeque ideas?
  88. What was the last thing you ate?
  89. Starbucks Tshirts sold in the UK?
  90. Anyone wish they could be a cupcake?
  91. What is glutin in?
  92. Whats your favorite food from your culture?
  93. Are bananas evil?
  94. Why are some eggs brown and some eggs white?
  95. Is eating cinnamon humanly impossible?
  96. does green tea speed up metabolism?
  97. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?
  98. What brand of Cereal do you all like?
  99. How can I stop eating junk food?
  100. Why is cheesecake so creamy and not cheesy?