Baby food

Which food should give to 7 month baby, and how much quantitiy…should I give chapati,daal,rice to my 7 month baby… Pls… Give me advise for diet for my baby

Answer #1

ok. is your baby only just starting on the food?

if so, make your own. if baby is just starting, probably best not to go onto ‘lumps’ just yet. just buy a £10 hand blender - cook aload of veg, blend it and freeze it in ice cube trays.

my first son I brought all his food, and he was a terrible eater. so when I had my second I was like, nope I’m doing it myself…sounds time consuming, but it’s not. I used to have one day every 4 weeks where I would just cook cook cook! and then feeze. I used to make all my own sauces and everything. now he’s completely the opposite - he’s loves proper food, he loves olives, japanese seaweed, cashew nuts, prawns, salmon eveything AS LONG AS IT HEALTHY - big down fall, I can’t get him to eat a burger, pizza or anything like that. he won’t even eat chicken nuggets unless they’re ‘real’.

what stage is he at, and remember a child needs to try something 10 times before they get used to the texture and taste - so perservere!- ideas following!

*if you’re worried about taking home made baby food out - dont! leave them in a pot with a lid as ice cubes, they will defrost throughout the morning and most retaurants will have a ‘warm up’ facility or you could buy one of those baby food jars and use that as your ‘going out’ pot. make sure you take the label off and put in staraliser first though! lol!

Answer #2

a nice cheese sauce; get some butter, melt it and ad sprinkles of flour, stirring all the time until you get a paste. when you done that, add some milk…keep stirring! once the paste has merged with the milk add some grated cheese, how much depends on how thick you want it or how string…I suggest a mild cheese and more of it… it’s lovely! thats it - stir till all the cheese has melted and job done!

another one, I used to make this every day. get 6 different begtables ; tomatoes, brocoli (careful with this as the stalks don’t blend well), cauliflower, carrots, sprouts, potatoes…loads of things! just be cautious with sweetcorn, peas bascially anything that has a ‘skin’ to it. get the veg, some garlic (I buy the frozen pureed garlic) some herbs - no salt or anyting. then I would put that in a mini-caserole dish with a meat for that day (go to the butchers, they’ll do them in little bags so you can just get one bag out a day) bung it in the caserole dish and chuck in oven for hour and half. don’t worry if you want to use frozen veg, just a nutritious, and more convinient. used ot take me about 10 minutes to make it! and that would be his food for the day. v healthy!

good ideas for veg; courgettes (skinned) butternut squash baked in the oven, scoop the flesh out when cooked, and tiny touch of cinnamon and yummy! sweet potatoes (caution when blending, can go too runny!)

don’t forget about fruit either! lou loved squashed apples on weetabix; cut and de-skin apples, cut up small put in bowl, microwave with a few drops of water in bowl for about 1 minutes, see how they squash with a fork, if not, a bit longer. then put that on weetabix - banannas excellent too basically let your imagination run wild. and as he goes onto lump food just just a fork rather than a blender.

excellent healthy chicken nuggets; get one chicken breast, get two brocoli and cauliflower florets. blend it all together with a bit of egg yolk until all mixed togther. roll them into desired shape…and then roll in egg, flour and breadcrumbs and cook in oven on 150 for about 20 minutes then 10 minutes on 190…make sure they’re cooked prior to serving and hey presto - these are the chicken nuggest my little one WIL eat

also theres a book by annebelle (can’t remember last name ??) but she does baby food recipie books - really good;

p.s you can’t freeze bananna or avacado - rot before they freeze :O( but you can use them fresh :O)

Answer #3

Because you’re in India, the traditional baby foods are going to be a bit different from the US/UK ones that we are used to. I really suggest that you ask a health worker or some experienced mothers with healthy children from your own area - they know best. What people have said here about cow’s milk (wait until the baby is 1 year old) and about mashed or blended food for smaller babies, should be true all around the world. But the food traditions of your country are different, and what we feed our babies on in the US and the UK isn’t probably available to you, or even the healthiest option. So you will need to find out locally what works for babies given your cooking traditions and available food.

Answer #4

At 7 months I don’t think you’re supposed to introduce cow’s milk yet.Check with your peditrician bc every baby is different. I make my son’s baby food with a food processor. I buy organic vegetables, for example sweet potatoes. I bake it wrapped in tin foil to preserve as much of the vitamins as possible. I bake it until it is soft, about an hour. I then take it out and cool it. Then I peel it and scoop out the potato and put it in the food processor. I add a little bit of breast milk, you can use nursery water or formula too. Then when it is very smooth I put it in these neat little containers (One Step Ahead sells baby food containers that are made with a safe plastic with no BPA’s in it) I freeze all but what I will use that day.

Bananas are good too but you have to use it right away or it will turn brown. I buy smaller organic bananas and when they are ripe I do the same, food processor with water (if it is really ripe, I don’t need to add anything). My son will eat the whole thing, he only likes fresh bananas. So with the bananas I make it everyday right before he eats. It is very easy and only takes a few minutes. I do have to buy some baby food because they say you shouldn’t make somethings yourself, like carrots. So I will buy the 1st stage baby food for those. Also, with the price of organic apples being so high, I just buy a jar or adult organic applesauce with only apples and water and give him that, usually mixed in oatmeal or rice cereal.

Your baby will appreciate the fresh food like sooitca mentioned aboout her son. It really is the best (health wise) plus it’s cheaper! My son always prefers the homemade stuff.

Good luck and have fun with it. I may try some of the above receipes myself, when my son gets a little older. :)

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