Parents & Family Questions

  1. what is the leagal age to leave home without parent permission in missouri an the police cant bring you back?
  2. Why do parents think they can forbid you from doing something, but then they go and do it??
  3. How do you relax your parents?
  4. how do i tell if i was molested or rapped?.
  5. what can anyone say bout if ur parents r tryin to get ur kids to not like ur bf?
  6. How can i deal with the fact that my dad is slowly dieing?
  7. What can i do so that my 3 year old sister likes me?
  8. how can i cope when my dad is dieing of brain cancer and is living in a hospital?
  9. what's the best way to tell your mom you have a bf who is 17 & your 14?
  10. Do you think parents of severely obese children should be charged with child abuse?
  11. How should I tell my sister-in-law that I can't babysit?
  12. What can I do if my mum literally hates me?
  13. How can i ask my dad what kind of cancer my grandmother died from if he doesnt like to talk about it?
  14. whats your thoughts on single mother/father-hood?
  15. Can i wife charge her husband with rape if he raped her?
  16. Can my friend move in with me and my family at 13?
  17. Can i sue my mother?
  18. how do u move back to your old town without being emancipated and knowing your mom wont let you?
  19. what is tradition your family follow when someone dies?
  20. Can anybody tell who are Mala Rodriguez's parents?
  21. How do you go about 'divorcing' your parents?
  22. How can i tell my mom that i smoke?
  23. what are the consequences that parents can get from mentaly abusing their child?
  24. what is the absolute worst thing you've ever said to one of your parents?
  25. What should I do about my parents hurting me so much?
  26. Would you ever provide alcohol for your underage child?
  27. Would you be able to handle being a surrogate mother?
  28. why wont my parents listen to a word i say ?
  29. How can i convince my parents to redo my room?
  30. who is a teen mom?
  31. Do you think the dad has a say in abort. ion?
  32. Do u think its ever okay to hit ur mom?
  33. What do I do with my marriage?
  34. what do i do if i have parents that dont get me at all?
  35. If my parents are getting separated, can i choose what parent i want to live with?
  36. What is a good gift to give to my brother as a going away gift?
  37. What would you do if you were pregnant for your older brother?
  38. how accurate would an ultrasound determin the gender at 5 days before ur 19th week?
  39. Can a parent force a child to get an abortion or give their baby up ?
  40. How can I get my mum to let me go to this under 18 clubs thing?
  41. Is abandoment offical or legal way?
  42. Can mah parents take mah baby away from me and adopt it and raise it sinse im 14?
  43. why is it easier too talk to adults that are strangers than your own parents?
  44. Why do my parents keep taking my ps3 away?
  45. Would you allow your young teen (around 13-15 yrs. old) to spend the night with their boyfriend/girlfriend?
  46. Do u like ur parents?
  47. what do you think of parents who expect their children to only date/marry their own race?
  48. Is it wrong to love my Family more than my own life?!?!?!
  49. What are the ideal attributes that a parent should have?
  50. How would it work if my mum and my friends dad got married and so did my dad and her mum?
  51. Whos parents actually filled out and kept their babybooks and did you appreciate it?
  52. When you were younger did your family eat dinner together?
  53. Is this child abuse??
  54. How am i suppouse to react when my parents tell me that i might not be my dads child?
  55. what do i do if my mom treats me like a maid and my older brother and younger sister special?
  56. How do I convince my parents to buy me a skateboard?
  57. What is the best advice your mother or father has ever given to you?
  58. Do I have good reasons to move out of my mom's house?
  59. Why Parents Always Bossing Us Around?
  60. can a parent say that their child can move out?
  61. Is there a way to deal with my mom's "time of her life"?
  62. why does my family treat me bad???...
  63. What's it like to have an older sister?
  64. How many of you that have siblings, wish that you were an only child & why?!
  65. How can I get my mum to stop borrowing my clothes without asking me?
  66. How do i stop my mom from buying this hamster?
  67. why do adults act like a child sometimes?
  68. How many women in the U.S get a c-section in a year?
  69. Would you protect your child even if they committed a crime?
  70. How do I get my parents to stop getting involved in my life?
  71. Did the father who threatened kids on a school bus go too far?
  72. What is a good age to give kids a cell phone?
  73. How do I confess to my mom that it was my fault and not my brothers, without getting in trouble?
  74. What is causing my daughter to not like her dad?
  75. What do you think, is it creepy or normal?
  76. How much freedom do u think a 13 yr old girl should get?
  77. Can a parent force you to move with them if your about to turn 18 in 7 days but your still in high school but you have a job in Texas.?
  78. What can I do to help my friend ?
  79. Is it wrong to love my dad more than I love my mom?
  80. Who has a curfew and how old are you ?
  81. what to do wen u have parents that dont trust u bcuz u did 1 think wrong?
  82. do you have a brother or sister and even though you're at least one to two years apart you get mistaken for twins (or you used to) and you're not?
  83. How do i tell my parents i don't want to go to ryan's wedding?
  84. how can i convince my mom to let me donate my kidney?
  85. why do i have a bad relationship with mah mom?
  86. How would u guys feel about this big secret kept from u all these years??
  87. is it normal for your mum to love a puppy more than her daughter ?
  88. Why do I have all of these family issues?
  89. How should i treat a foster child who lives with me?
  90. Do you think moving out would help getting away from family drama?
  91. What do I do when my family is tearing my relationship apart?
  92. what should i do if i saw my brother watching a purno ?
  93. Is it easier for inlaws to accept a daughter-n-law than a son-n-law ?
  94. how can i become smarter when it comes to not talking back?
  95. Why do I have to visit non-immediate family so often?
  96. What should i do i want to see my parents and Family?
  97. Why does everyone like my brother better?
  98. Do you feel an adult (over 18) couple should be married before or if they have children?
  99. How can I cheer my brother up?
  100. How do I throw a baby shower when all my friends are guys?
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