Is this child abuse??

I’m not sure. I mean, is being yelled at and screamed at and threatened and grabbed roughly and shaken when you are very small child abuse?

My father used to do the belt crack threat to scare me when I was somewhere around 4 years old and give me the choice of 10 spanks or 3 with the belt. I’m not sure if it was abuse. I used to be threatened a lot and yelled at if I cried about it. You know, the whole ‘Stop crying or I’ll give you something to cry about’ thing. My parents thing was always that I was very lucky I wasn’t raised by my grandparents. I got hit a good amount, but everyone gets hit so it’s really no big deal.

My mother threatened me with suicide and there were a number of events where she lost it on me and slammed my head against a wall for instigating her by cleaning too slowly or making my brother angry because he had epilepsy and that means a person has no control over their temper. My father only punched me maybe three or four times and only once was it that bad, at the dinner table and repeatedly because I had told my mother earler in the day to be quiet a minute.

They called me a fat-ass though I was pretty thin and my mother used to make fun of me a lot. I got jumped once and dropped on a rock and broke a rib and when I went back to my ouse crying and weezing she copied my weezing and laughed at me. I have a broken collar-bone I don’t know where I got and when I asked no one seems to know.

I was a pretty good kid, didn’t talk back and wasn’t that into drugs and stuff, but I wonder if that’s because I was punished as I was. I know I was very afraid of my parents, but everyone is and that’s just normal.

As my mother said, she knew I would be lazy because I was born three weeks past my due date, so some part of me figures I was also born weak and unable to deal with the things above even though it’s a pretty normal thing for children to go through.

Answer #1

What you described is pretty severe child abuse and not something any child should have gone through….thats absurd. No parent should ever grab a child roughly, hit, or talk to their children like that.

Answer #2

that’s child abuse. you shouldn’t have had to go through that.

Answer #3

oh man…i gess ur at the point whr u think its normal 4 tht sh!t to happen but its not…i dnt kno how old u r or anything and i dnt kno ur current situation since u sound like u mite be an adult now or close to it so i cant rly help u but i can offer some wrds of…idk prb not comfort but still by saying tht i do kno ur pain iv had to go thru a similiar situation … man im sry

Answer #4

By you thinking and rationalizing that it was not that big of a deal you may end up giving the same treatment to your kids. Don’t have any kids or see a therapist before you do.

Answer #5

I’ve had a son since I was 19. I hit him once and told everyone to make sure he was protected and he felt comfortable with the knowledge that it was wrong. My parents denied everything and tried to got me diagnosed with schizo-affective disorder I think to try to give an explanation for why I was ‘remembering’ things that didn’t happen. I’m still having trouble internalizing that I was hurt, but my confusion doesn’t extend past myself.

Answer #6

i deal with the same mess but now im getin biger than my dad so hes getin scared to hit me next time he does im thinkin i might hit back…but idk if i can get in troublt with the cops 4 it

Answer #7

You probably would. I’m still coming from a place where it isn’t really abuse and I’m just being whiny.

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