Would you ever provide alcohol for your underage child?

What if they were going through a really hard time, or they just wanted to try it.

What if they we’re 18-20…and the legal drinking age was 21? Or, if they were 16-17, and the legal drinking age was 18?

Answer #1

if i was a mom no beccause first of they are underage an they have no buisness drinkin in the first place

Answer #2

Nope. Wouldn’t want to aid my child in possibly turning into a habitual drinker. God forbid worse.

Answer #3

i think id wait until they were 18 and let them try it. mostly because i see it as. if you can go to the army when your 18, then you sure as hell should be able to drink a beer :P

Answer #4

I wouldnt see anything wrong in it lke giving them just a WKD or a shandy for xmas or something like that. But then it could be used against me if they liked it too much and turned bad lol. Its a toughie I think it would depend on if I could trust them enough to not let me down.

Answer #5

If they wanted it, I would tell them to wait until they are of legal age, but what kid listens to the parent when they say no. They will get curious about how it tastes and go to a friend for the alcohol.

Answer #6

um no the law is 21 at thats not going to change just because they are my child

Answer #7

‘What if they were going through a really hard time’. Ok, it is never a good idea to teach the use of alcohol as a coping tool. This would be the last reason I’d ever give ANYONE alcohol. As for an underage teen, you’re practically condemning them to alcoholism by saying here you go, alcohol is good when you’re feeling bad. As for providing my kids with alcohol, no. Probably not. Kids are going to drink regardless. I’ve seen kids who are provided drinks by their parents, and they turn out fine. I’ve seen parents practically turn their kids into alcoholics. I’ve seen parents who forbid their kids to drink. And some of these kids do it anyway and turn out fine, some of them do it anyway and dont turn out fine. There’s no recipe or perfect formula for this. I dont think a parent should be condoning something like that. Maybe it’s a cultural thing but it’s a matter of respect not getting drunk in front of your parents. But there are cultures where alcohol is perfectly acceptable and families just have wine with their meals. I think that is fine too, in a culture where that is the norm.

Answer #8

.also it is against the law.No i would not give alcohol to a underage kid

Answer #9

This. As soon as I read the “really hard time” part I was turned against it. Although I would rather have my kids drink with me and know about it, rather than behind my back.

Answer #10

Thing is, would you rather have them try alcohol with a bunch of guys and most likely get wasted and do stupid stuff behind your back, or would you rather have them do it with you where you can trust them not to be stupid or drink too much and let them no you obviously trust them?(sorry if thats confusing)

If they were going through abad time? -No, i wouldnt because that just teaches them that whenever badd times come, Drinkk! If they were 18 - 20 and the drinking age was 21? Maybee, it depends how much i trust them. I wouldnt neccesarily ‘supply’ it, i would maybe let them try it. Better safe than sorry, right?(and same thing go’s for age 16-17 with drinking age of 18) and that would be my choice if i were a mom(:

Answer #11

I would.

Answer #12

Yes I would give them a moderate amount, if they asked for it, but I wont let them get drunk, because I remember wanting to drink when I was a minor and I did.

Answer #13

I agree I’d rather my kid drink in front of me, instead of drinkin behind my back with a bunch of guys.

Answer #14

For me this a is a no. I don’t support helping my kids learn how to skirt rules and laws.

Answer #15

i’m 18 next month and from when i was 16 my parents would offer me if they were having wine, a glass. Now that i’m 17 i will have the occasional (small) glass of cider or like half a beer. Ever since i was wee they have let me taste so i have kinda have been weaned into alchol so i have much more respect for it and i know when it is too much.

Answer #16

No I do not believe that it is right. my husband and I both do not drink but if we did the answer would still be no.

Answer #17

No. It would just be setting your own child on the smae path you turned out to be. My dad personally use to drink, yes i was like 5 and tried it, but again i was courius and ofcourse never tried it again, but all your ganna do is hurt your kids.

Answer #18

In the UK it is perfectly legal for a parent to provide alcohol for their child once they pass age 6. This alcohol must be consumed in the home, however. So age is sort of irrelavent here. It’s the parent’s personal choice - one is not underage from ‘drinking’ as such, they’re underage from purchasing alcohol. This is to stop drunk teenagers in the street. When I was little and my parents would have BBQs I used to crawl around and finish off people’s beere - I was naughty! But since then on special occasions I would be given champagne, baileys, amarula or something along those lines. Then from about 11 or 12 I was allowed the occasional beer, or vodka+lime+soda. And if I was stressed (like the night before an exam i’d be offered a drink). But these were always drunk at home, with my parents. I never had enough to get past tingly, and so was never drunk in front of them. They treated me this way to prevent me from finally getting a chance to try alcohol and going nuts and ending up in hospital. This way I got a feel for alcohol, and yes I agree with how they decided to handle this.

Answer #19

This is the way my father explained it to me when I wanted to drink as a kid and this will be how I raise my kids (if and when i’m ready to have them). My father knew that all teenagers will sooner or later experament with drinking, so when I hit my teens he said that I was allowed to drink under these rules. I was not allowed to leave the house, him or my mother had to be home at the time, I could have friends over as long as they agreed to spend the night or had a safe drive home by cab or parent and our music had to be turned down by 10pm. This way he knew i was in a safe place where he could make sure nothing dangerous happened, doing something he knew I would do anyway if he told me I wasn’t allowed. I had a very enjoyable and safe experament while I was a party teen (never ended up raped or drugged like you read about happening to young girls on the news) and havn’t had much of a desire to drink in my older years.

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