Why do my parents keep taking my ps3 away?

I bought if after 3 years of saving up and now i hardly get to play it. When i first got it my parents said that how ever long i played id have to have 1/4 of that time spent reading the bible, having silent time, playing the guitar, or praying. If i play for an hour i have to spend 15 minutes doing the above. I did this truthfully, totally, and honestly. but still they take it randomly, ive asked them and they just say they have it 4 “safe keeping”! Which is totally ridiculous. I got to the point where i bought another controller (55 bucks) i dont have an allowance or anything so it was a big decision but i did it. So i can occasionally get away with 10 mins of playing if they’re gone or something but im sick and tired of having to hide and play. i want to play with my friends with my headset but its too loud and ive decided i want my property back. Im only 14 and this isnt the only thing im restricted on. no dating, church every sun. community center gathering every sun. etc.etc.etc. Any advice is greatly appreciated:)

Answer #1

mabey they dont like the fact of you meeting people online?

Answer #2

My parents take away my brothers ps3 all the time. it’s because he isn’t doing well in school because he spends his whole life with his face glued to call of duty.

Answer #3

lol thats wat i USED to play, but i havent gotten lower that a B+ so thats not the problem

Answer #4

nope, they dont even know u can do that, they’re not rlly techsmart

Answer #5

thanks tho!

Answer #6

haha, alright.

Answer #7

why don’t you reflect on when they took your PS3 , and ask yourself either what you did wrong, or what your parents thought you did wrong. It’s either that, or your parents just enjoy seeing you irritated without your PS3

Answer #8

They wanna play it:p lol but seriously mayb it’s just cause they don’t want the ps3 to suck away your life(cause when I’m home my life,sadly,revolves around it like if I have to eat, call someone,etc i’m almost definately playin ps3)

Answer #9

Maybe because they want you to have a life.I know you don’t to hear this but kids do get addicted to these games.

Answer #10

Maybe because they want you to have a life.I know you don’t to hear this but kids do get addicted to these games.

Answer #11

Maybe because they want you to have a life.I know you don’t to hear this but kids do get addicted to these games.

Answer #12

Maybe because they want you to have a life.I know you don’t to hear this but kids do get addicted to these games.

Answer #13

maybe THEY WANT YOU TO HAVE A LIFE.I KNOW YOU PROBABLY DON’T WANT TO HEAR THIS BUT KIDS AND ADULTS TO DO TO THESE GAMES.GET ADDICTED TO THESE GAMES.They just want you go outside and hang out with your friends and family.Their are a lot more to life than staying stuck in a room all day.

Answer #14

seeing as i hardly play it cuz they always have it thats not the problem

Answer #15

they dont want you to get to addicted to it because it may cause you to loose your brain after all too much addiction of anything can result in harm.

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