Parents & Family Questions

  1. Who knows the laws in Ohio?
  2. Why does my mom act like she does, and what can I do?
  3. how to get over being told something so heartbreaking??
  4. what can I say to my mom MOTHERS PLEASE READ... (?
  5. How do I tell my mom I need to wear a bra?
  6. What do I do about my dad?
  7. When will I be able to get over this fear?
  8. What can I do if my family is going throught rough times?
  9. how can I find out who my grandpa is?
  10. What should I get my parents for christmas with out spending ?
  11. Who knows if it's possible to sue a hospital?
  12. What is going on between son & step dad?
  13. what to do about an abusive parent?
  14. How to convice my parents to change me to my old school ?
  15. How do I talk my parents into letting me pierce my tongue?
  16. Why Is My Sister So Unhappy ?
  17. How can I tell my mom that I've been sneaking a boy in the house?
  18. How come I hate eating around my family?
  19. How do I tell my mom I want to move out?
  20. What should I do if my mom told me she broke her left side ribs?
  21. What might I do when my sister comes home?
  22. What can I do if mum says yes but dad says no to oneb puppy?
  23. what should my mom get her for her birthday I don't know can you help pleas?
  24. What do I do when my best friend doesn't want to apologize?
  25. What do I do im 17pregant,want to live with my boyfriend who is 18?
  26. How do you emancipite a teen?
  27. How do I deal with my friends?
  28. how can I talk to my hard headed father?
  29. When is this going to be a happy ending?
  30. What are the rights of a child who gets child support to the money?
  31. Why was my dad spying on me?
  32. How do you ask your dad if your boyfriend can stay the night?
  33. What should I make for christmas?
  34. How I can persuade my parents to be not get married to me now?
  35. what do I do my parents are strict and I want to have guys over?
  36. how to pretend that your happy when your not?
  37. what should we do my best friends brother is sick?
  38. Why are my kids so tall?
  39. How do I prepare myself to move out next January?
  40. How to convince mom to let me dye my hair blonde?
  41. How can I communicate with my dad?
  42. Why im I doing this?
  43. Why do I feel like I hate him so muchh?
  44. Who. Does anyone think this is stupid???
  45. What to do when your sister use your things without permission?
  46. What Can I Tell My Mam Since I Lost My Phone ?
  47. How will I get thru christmas?
  48. What shall I tell my sister about Santa Claus?
  49. How many days my sister has been alive...?
  50. Why is my dad hurting a lot???
  51. What do I tell my mom about my grades?
  52. Why is my son's mother so nasty and mean to me?
  53. What excuses are useful for coming back home late from gym?
  54. how can I get out of foster care at 17 when I have a baby?
  55. What should I do, the fighting drives me crazy?
  56. What should I do about my parents??
  57. How do I deal with my 23 year old who want to have her way ?
  58. What if my dream in life is to be a stay at home mom?
  59. How do I ask my parents?
  60. What should I do about my grandmother stealing medication?
  61. Why is my dad like this?
  62. How do I talk to my mum?
  63. Why can't I get my own place at 17 1/2?
  64. How can my aunt get custody of me?
  65. How Do I talk to my dad who hasn't talked to me in a year?
  66. What... Why did she do this to me?
  67. What do parents like to recieve for xmas?
  68. How can I talk my parents into letting me get rid of this?
  69. Where to find legal help on emancipation before 2/18/2010?
  70. How can I get my mom to get me a blackberry?
  71. how can I find my dad?
  72. How do I deal with my evil step mom?
  73. What do I do when me and my mom just aren't compatible people?
  74. What should I talk to my father about?
  75. How do I sign my rights away on my son?
  76. What kind of excuse is that?
  77. How can I stop arguing with my dad?
  78. What are some things that I could do and not get in trouble?
  79. What is a good lie I can tell my mom so I can go to my boyfriend's house?
  80. How do I (delecately) tell my parents I'm getting married?
  81. How can I stop being compared to my perfect twin?
  82. How to get my dad off my back?
  83. What can I do I am 15 and prego?
  84. How to get my dad off my back?
  85. how do I do independant living?
  86. How can I tell mum im pregnant ?
  87. Why does my family blame everything bad on my boyfriend?
  88. How do I help my sister get over her pain?
  89. How do I make my parents let me be a vegetarian?
  90. What should I do about my crazy mother?
  91. Why isn't my mum taking me to the doctor?
  92. Why does my boyfriends mom hate me and why does he support her?
  93. What to do when being goth dissapoints my father?
  94. What Do I Do? I'm So Scared?
  95. What do I do because I have a new dad and new siblings???
  96. Why do "I" have dimples?
  97. What guy advice can you give me?
  98. Why is my own mom bringing me down?
  99. Should I tell my mother im alwayas depressed?
  100. Why do I feel like this?