Why is my own mom bringing me down?

right know my mom just told me that becuase I’m a little over weight nowine will ever like me and sometimes I’m afraid she is right. Is she?? She made me cry because sometimes I believe it so hard and I started cutting myself what can I do so I can block her comments out of my head.

Answer #1

I know how you feel my mom does the same thing. I just learned to ignore her. You should do the same. Usually people say hurtful things when they are angry and really dont mean it. So the best thing is to ignore it.

Answer #2

first of all shes wrong! if your bigger, who cares! a lot of my friends are REALLY REALLY big, and they are the more AWESOMER of my friends! haha, no really, tell your mom you dont wanna hear it! and treat her the same way she treats you. its only fair.

Answer #3

Of course not! you are who you are! don’t lsiten, if you think you are then try eating healthier but don’t let anyone tell you who you are, it’s not good, I don’t like it either. only eat healthier if YOU think you are a little over weight, and so what if you are? she could say, “darling, maybe eat a bit healthier?” but saying no one will love you is outrageous! try talking to her and tell her you’ll at least think about it. hope I helped.

Answer #4

She thinks she’s being helpful. She wants you to find a guy, get married, live happily ever after, and she thinks that will be harder if you are bigger. So, of course she thinks that if she threatens your future happiness, you will learn and lose weight. No, I cannot possibly fathom what the logic is here. Not only does this method not help, it does more harm than anything else. And yet mothers continue to use it. It’s quite amazing. It’s been about 12 years. My mother is still on my case about that. Odds of a mother changing are pretty low. So, you learn how to change the way you think of yourself. You tell yourself what reality is (not your mother’s warped view), and in reality, most people find someone. Tall, thin, fat, short, it really doesnt matter. So, in the real world, your odds of finding someone are pretty high. (What helps me is simply looking around, seriously, no matter what people look like, they still find other people who like them). Then you look in the mirror. And accept that you look that way, and it really is ok. When your mother talks, you simply nod, and let go. In one ear, out the other. And I know this is easier said than done (when I’m not in the best mood, things my mother says will upset me), but it takes practise. Remember, what is hurting is not what she’s saying, but that you’re accepting it to be true and doubting yourself. So talk to yourself. And I honestly think you need to talk to a counselor. You’ve got some pretty poor coping skills, and low self-esteem, and you should get help before it becomes your life. Believe me, I know what I’m talking about. It’s 100 times harder to have believed those things about yourself for 12 years and then try to change the way you think.

Answer #5

being fat DOES NOT MATTER what really matters is finding someone who truely cares for you for who you are. screw your mom, im dont saying stop loving her or anything but if she is saying that about her own daughter then there could be something on her mind and she is taking it out on you. watever you do just dont believe her, you have to have self confidence in your self starting with thinking your beautiful. it doesnt matter if some guys at school dont look at you the way you should, that happens to all girls, so dont think its becasue you are bigger. just ignore your mom and keep telling your self that you are beautiful. instead of looking in the mirror searching for all the flaws, look in the mirror and look for all the things you really like about yourself. like I love my eyes, and the way my hair looks. even though I dont like everything about myself, I dont let other people judge me on what they think. also, if it is truely hurting yourself so bad that you are putting yourself in danger, then you need to talk to your mom and tell her how it makes you feel I hope this helps good luck :)

Answer #6

im sure that she is just concerned about your health and probably thinks that if she insults you it will make you want to be thinner. I used to do that to my sister, and it made her go suicidal… :( … luckily my parents got her help in time :( I still feel horrible about it three years later, but don’t worry. just tell your mom how it made you feel and talk to her about it.

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