What can I do I am 15 and prego?

I took 3 test and they all said that I am prego..but I am only 15 I want to be but then I dont want to be.the father of the baby agrees with that we are to younge and we are both scared.my mom and dad dont know and I dont want them to know..but I have to find a way to get rid of the baby without going to a doctor..can you please help me what should I do.I am alittle over 1 month prego.

Answer #1

It would be foolish to try to abort your own baby. You’ll likely wind up bleeding to death if you try the old ‘punch me in the stomach’ routine, or something equally absurd. Personally, I think it’s wrong to kill ANY child, but hey, that’s why people have been debating the issue for decades…

If you were adult enough to engage in adult sexual relations, you are adult enough to own up to your responsibility. The first matter at hand IS telling your parents. It’s a very scary thing- I was married when I got pregnant, and it was still very scary telling my family because my ex-husband and I weren’t in the best living conditions. Just tell your mom, ‘Mom, I did something very stupid, I’m very ashamed of what I’ve done, but I’ve gotten pregnant and I need your help and advice.’ Simply by being honest and open and remorseful will win Mom over eventually. She is going to be shocked, disappointed, and angry with you- that much is a given- but you have a child growing inside you so now you have to grow up and face responsibility. Then you can have your parents take you to the doctor, if you chose to have an abortion. You are legally a child- even though some states allow abortions without parental consent, that is medically unwise. If something should happen to you, your parents NEED to know where you are, what you’re doing, what has been done to you, so they can get you the best care possible. And stuff goes wrong at abortion clinics more often than they’d like for you to believe. Your parents are the only ones who can approve treatment for you in a legitimate hospital if the abortion butchers screw up.

Please think about everyone involved; especially the innocent baby you’ve created. If it is possible for you to carry this little one to term, I hope you will do that, and then put your little girl or little boy up for adoption. If not, then I hope you will be smart and go to your loved ones for help and advice- parents love their children no matter what. NO. MATTER. WHAT.

Answer #2

look I say go to your parents it’s that way even if they are goning to get mad just tell them let them know because sooner or later you will have to a just get it over with now they can help you and see you through your pregnancy

Answer #3

OMG sweetie

my bff was in the same sticky situation she told her parents three months into her pregnancy this is a big big humungus step… I say tell your mom/grandparents and avoid your dad!

Answer #4

Before you do anything, take to the nearest Planned Parenthood office. They can help you in couseling, or whatever else you want to do.

Above all, don’t ever, ever try not to go to a doctor. Planned parenthood will help you with that.

Your own life is at stake if you try to do anything to self-abort.

Answer #5

tell your parents, best choice

Answer #6

I was in the same situation I went to a local womens clinic got names of lawyers that deal with young women and abortion. Then I went with her to the court builing and was able to get a judge to give me a form or paper allowing me to have an abortion without my parents. I eventually tol my parents a few years later and they would have totally been there to support me but I got myself into the mess and I was plenty mature enough to take care of it on my own.

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