Questions & Answers

  1. How do I tell my Mom and boyfriend that I've been raped?
  2. Is the iPod dog a good buy?
  3. What if I love my boyfriend but we're having troubles?
  4. How do you put music on your View More Pictures page?
  5. Has anyone tried Trim Spa?
  6. How can I make my boobs bigger in 3 weeks?
  7. How do I upload pictures?
  8. What was it in this commercial?
  9. How can I grocery shop on a budget?
  10. Do I really look Russian?
  11. Will braising veal make it tough?
  12. Who will be the winner of Summer Slamm?
  13. Where should I look for a job?
  14. Do you know what's playin at the movies tonight?
  15. When is Miley Cyrus's birthday?
  16. Am I losing weight in a safe way?
  17. What do these strange dreams mean?
  18. How can I make him realize that I'm done with being used?
  19. When paste in on the brain...
  20. What do you think about couples sharing bank accounts?
  21. Does he just think it's puppy love?
  22. Is it just me who disagrees on the war in Iraq?
  23. Are there any free music download sites?
  24. How do you wear underwear?
  25. How do I help my brother get over this urinal fear?
  26. How do you get good clothes for a cheap price?
  27. How do you explain designer clothes to a kid?
  28. How to hear the Sound of Music's wedding processional?
  29. What short hairstyle will suit me?
  30. How can I control frizzy hair?
  31. Are iPods evil?
  32. How long until my cat has kittens?
  33. How long does implantation bleeding or spotting lasts?
  34. Does anyone know any good Asian dramas to watch?
  35. Is it OK if my grandson has 6 fingers on his hand?
  36. Who can I talk to about this depression?
  37. How should I have answered this interview question?
  38. How to add my Myspace music to someone's comments?
  39. What's a good rock or alternative band?
  40. Is clear vaginal discharge normal when pregnant?
  41. How should I handle my love for a married man?
  42. Is there a home remedy for acne?
  43. What is this weird bump on my leg?
  44. What's your favorite spaghetti sauce recipe?
  45. What's a list of wholesale distributors for online sales?
  46. What's a software to make multiple sites for Adsense?
  47. When do I have to start paying a personal loan back?
  48. Are all guys jerks?
  49. Where can I find a webdesign job?
  50. Is there another way to get pregnant?
  51. Am I over or underweight?
  52. When should I make the move?
  53. How do I tell him I like him?
  54. Ask me questions about anything
  55. What side effects can you get from getting your tubes tied?
  56. Am I paranoid or pregnant?
  57. How do I know if my hymen has been broken?
  58. What's this song from the Cosby Show?
  59. Should I ask out this guy if my best friend dated him?
  60. Where do you buy a simple backpack?
  61. Will a horoscope come true or is it just crap?
  62. Should we be engaged if we fight?
  63. How can I patch up our friendship?
  64. Can you see a therapist without your parents knowing?
  65. How do I tell the boy I like hi?
  66. Is anyone willing to adhere to this?
  67. How can I get a good paying job at 14?
  68. What if I'm scared of walking on the streets with my friends?
  69. Is my cousin fat?
  70. How can I get my friends to stop copying me?
  71. How can I convince this guy to go out with me?
  72. How long for a dog to give birth to puppies?
  73. How do I comfort my scared puppy?
  74. Should I get checked for pregnancy?
  75. How do I ghost in Gaia?
  76. Why does my puppy have a fever after her shots?
  77. Where do I go after I put in Webmonkey?
  78. What should I do for my 17th birthday?
  79. How can my Mom get rid of some wrinkles?
  80. How can I find the strength and courage to face my Mother?
  81. Can you give me some advice about football trial?
  82. How can I trust my boyfriend if he cheated on me?
  83. How can I get rid of spots on my face?
  84. Can you stop your period early by taking the pilll?
  85. What should I get my fiance for Christmas?
  86. How much should we charge for dog walking?
  87. Will the Catfish House hire a 14-year-old?
  88. Is planning your future good or bad?
  89. Does anyone know how to cook tofu?
  90. Where can I get free PSP downloads?
  91. Am I overweight for my age and height?
  92. Which book should I bring to California?
  93. How can I update my email address on Myspace?
  94. How can I lose some weight when I'm fat?
  95. Are there free sites to help me find my father?
  96. Is reddish-colored stools a problem?
  97. What is the Europeon Union?
  98. Who do I apply to, to become an advisor?
  99. What's the best exercise for your inner thighs?
  100. How do I get rid of my Mom's boyfriend?