How do I know if my hymen has been broken?

Quick Background: Ok I have been riding horses for 7 years. Very athletic, track and Equestrian wise. Im 17 years old almost 18 Still a Virgin

Alright how do I know if my Hymen has been broken??? I’ve never noticed blood, but then again I dont look for it.

I’ve been fingered by myself and a guy. Used some objects for masterbation (hairbrush, Large Sharpie,Cucumber.)… but never bled.

Should I be worried??? is this normal??? it doesnt hurt when I do it either.

Answer #1

If you’re curious about your hymen, you can simply grab a mirror and look at it!

It’s probably torn by now. Most girls tear their hymen in childhood or around puberty from tampons, fingers, running, etc. It really does not matter and should not concern you at all since the hymen serves no purpose. It’s not related to virginity in any way. You are still a virgin until you have sex.

If you want to learn more about hymens, look here:

Answer #2

There right. But its very scary, since in biblical times, women were stoned if the sheets in their marrage bed were not covered in blood. So when you think about it many girls were killed, just because of the way their bodies were built and not becuase they’d had sex out of marrage

Answer #3

I am 15 and i have been riding horses for a long time. It probebly has broken because when your posting on your horse your going up and down on your V*gina pretty hard you know. Also if you use tampons than it is probebly broken.

Answer #4

broadwaygirl21 it does matter how far he goes ones he in it and he cums you can get pregnant

Answer #5

Regardless…it shouldnt matter…but most likely it has been broken due to heavy activities… either way…nothing to be worried about…it may not be broken…its a very flexible peice of tissue

Answer #6

doing horse riding it probobly has and while masturbating broken but that should be a good thing as it will not brake while ur having sex!!!

Answer #7

I had sex in march this year for the first time and haven’t had it since. I bled but I’m still not sure whether my ‘cherry’ has been popped. :S

Answer #8

I don’t know if I am pregnant his Penis did not go far in but I am still worried I have skipped a period

Answer #9

im scared to masturbate and try and brake my hymen because I dont have my period yet sme of my friends re trying to pop thiers and I have tried but I can find anything there so do I have one??

Answer #10

Just Check, Some People are scared or embarassed to talk about their privet parts, I know I certainly was, but if you dont want to talk about it, take a mirror and check, and if you have used any sort of mastrbation tools then it is probably broken, some people you dont even relize what one is or why its there, no worries!!!

Answer #11

You’re normal and have no reason to worry!

The hymen is a layer of tissue that partially conceals the vaginal orifice of some girls and women. The hymen is also referred to as a girl’s ‘cherry’ or maidenhead.

During the early stages of fetal development there is no opening into the vagina. The layer of tissue that conceals the vagina at this time usually divides incompletely prior to birth. The size and shape of this opening or openings varies greatly from one girl to the next. There are girls who do not have a hymen at birth, as the tissue divides completely while they are still in the womb.

The tissues of the vulva are generally very thin and delicate prior to puberty. Any activity that places tension on the vulvar tissues may stretch or tear the hymen. As a result, many girls and teens tear or otherwise dilate their hymen while engaging in physical activities such sports, horseback riding, inserting and removing tampons, and while masurbatng. A girl may not know this has occurred, since there may be little or no blood loss or pain experienced during this event. It may also occur when she is too young to remember or understand what has occurred.

The presence or absence of a hymen in no way indicates a girl’s virginal state. No one can determine by physical examination alone whether a woman or teen has engaged in vaginal intercourse. Only about 50% of teens and women experience bleeding the first time they have intercourse, so blood stained bed sheets are not a reliable indicator of prior virginity. The hymen of some women tear on more than one occasion. There are even hymen that are elastic enough to permit a pen*s to enter without tearing, or tear only partially. This is usually true only if the dilation first occurs very gradually with fingers or other objects over an extended period of time. Virginity is a spiritual attribute, not a physical one.

Answer #12

Im not sure if you suppose to feel a difference. But before I lost my virginity I bled and it wasnt my period, but then when I recently proceeded to having sex I didnt bleed. But woke up the next morning and it was blood in my pajamas. so I guess it depends on a person’s body. And as the others said if yu really want to know if your hymen is broken, take a mirror and look at it.

Answer #13

im a filed hockey player and one day while I was streching I felt a sharp pain in my pu&&y wehen I went to the bathroom I had bled allitle bit but my period was not on …did I pop it ???

Answer #14

Bajankim not true, you can get pregnant if the cum is by your vag it can still enter your vag. It dosnt have to go in and you can stilll be a vergin if he busts by your vag and it gets in there then you can totaly get knocked up.

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