Questions & Answers

  1. How to keep my best friend from coming to this concert?
  2. What to name my baby?
  3. Are you related to anyone famous?
  4. What is the best way to remove body hair?
  5. How to become an advisor?
  6. Which is the most trendy laptop?
  7. How do I make a mobile website?
  8. What's a good gaming computer?
  9. Where to find a car to buy?
  10. What sites are worth visiting daily?
  11. Should Japan be allowed to continue slaughtering whales?
  12. What are these bumps formed next to my piercing?
  13. Where can I download songs for free?
  14. When have you left your comfort zone?
  15. Can I get Vitamin D from the afternoon sun?
  16. How to get boys to like me at my new school?
  17. What's this stinging pain in my chest?
  18. How can I talk to him?
  19. What's your dream job, and do you know how to get it?
  20. What kind of company is Blue License Holding llc?
  21. Why am I waking up with bruises on my body?
  22. How to stop pimples?
  23. Isn't north up?
  24. Have you heard of Esmee Denters?
  25. Happy Eid!
  26. Should I be concerned about this scab on my penis?
  27. How to stop my depression?
  28. Do Muslims believe in God?
  29. What does this virus error message mean?
  30. Does calling my Mom mean he really loves me?
  31. What are good sites for creating things?
  32. How do I get thinner legs?
  33. Should I do something with my crush during his visit?
  34. What to give my boyfriend for Christmas?
  35. How do you get rid of acne?
  36. How do I put pictures on
  37. Have you heard about Jamie Lynn Spears?!
  38. How to get my dog to be more calm around children?
  39. What to do about guys?
  40. What to do while he's touching me?
  41. How to fix boring hair?
  42. Am I being used?
  43. Does it ruin your hair to curl it after gel is in it?
  44. How to get rid of bad breath?
  45. What's the current price for a PS3?
  46. What is insulin resistance?
  47. What's this pressure in my head?
  48. What is up with my supposed promise ring?
  49. How long does it take for these medicines to work?
  50. Do plants carry out cellular respiration?
  51. What is causing this back pain?
  52. How to get my whole family to help with the chores?
  53. Where to get a free Xbox live?
  54. Do you like rock music?
  55. How to safely diet?
  56. Is there a 1000 page book?
  57. Anyone know any good comedians?
  58. Why do I have this neck pain?
  59. How to start to use cover up when I'm not into makeup?
  60. Who shot the Deputy?
  61. How can I leave this country already?
  62. Why doesn't the snow on Santa's roof melt?
  63. How to get the Superman outfit?
  64. How to stop myself from getting bullied?
  65. How to deal with people you don't like?
  66. Why does music make me feel depressed?
  67. How I can get smarter at school?
  68. How long does a shoutgun stay in your system?
  69. How to stop wanting a child?
  70. How to get my fiance to be confident about our baby?
  71. How do I deal with my Dad?
  72. Can I get married?
  73. Why do people think Americans are talentless?
  74. Why don't I ever smell too good down there?
  75. Will anyone hire me when I'm 14?
  76. What's your favorite animal?
  77. Will the holiday spirit come back?
  78. Are you naughty or nice?
  79. What do you think of this poem?
  80. What's a good present for an 8-year-old?
  81. How old do I look in this pic?
  82. What should I do if he breaks up with her?
  83. Is anyone interested in screamo?
  84. Why are men so unreliable?
  85. Can you lose weight on the "ice diet" ?
  86. How to find lyrics for "Danger is my Middle Name"?
  87. Why did my rabbit eat her Kits?
  88. How does a girl know if a guy likes her?
  89. Guys: am I too fat?
  90. What does this crazy dream mean? (again)
  91. What was the best Christmas present you ever got?
  92. What features should I buy for my laptop?
  93. Are cellphones ruining society?
  94. Do women have any clue what they want?
  95. How to get rid of eczema?
  96. What happens to my benefits over Christmas?
  97. Why is my truck running hot?
  98. How much do stamps in the UK cost?
  99. How to get rid of a scab on my face?
  100. How to get my ex-fiance back?