What to name my baby?

Well, Im 6 months pregnant and I am stuck on what to name my child. I do not want to know if it is a boy or a girl so that does not help in my situation. what do you guys think of the names I have narrowed down? Girls::: Camdyn Reagan Brenton; Sutton Maddison Brenton; or Ella Kate Brenton Boys::: Hudson James Brenton; Campbell Scott Brenton, or Landon James Brenton

Oh by the way.. please be nice!

Answer #1

I like the boys names a lot especailly Landon and Campbell. I’m a littel unsure about the girls names becuase they are a but unsual but thats just my opinion anyways if you have a girl and still want something close to Landon you should name her Landice.

Answer #2

I like Ella Kate and Landon James the best.

Answer #3

landen and ella asre best!!!

Answer #4

if a boy how bought keifer or keegan if a girl how about teya or kelby

Answer #5

boy Chase girl Phoebe Good luck

Answer #6

boy mike or chingy girl bella

Answer #7

Boy name: Landon Girl name: Ella

I personally like the name August, but everyone has their own taste in names. :)

Answer #8

Practice saying all the names in every tone of voice you could use with you child in every life stage! Yelling a first and middle name for example… when I was in trouble my mom would always say KAY LEE MARIE!!! BTW Consider INITIALS when choosing a name. Like Icabod Charels Patterson (ICP) or Patricia Emily Emmerson (PEE)!!! My stepmother almost named her son Brogan. It would have been ok have their last name not been GLASS. Could you imagine Brogan (broken) Glass!!

Answer #9

boys : peter , alex , sean , tyler , jeff , connor , jordan , jay , james , edward , jayden , preston , joseph , derek , jackson , cameron , michael , girls : katie , kaytee , cady , catie , katee , alexis , rachel , rebecca , katelyn , paige , emma , darcy , jane , courtney , jessica , melanie , casie , denise , flora , alana , alba , jordyn , chealsea , amy , jayden , reene , grace , maranda , kylie , kylee , jamie , heather , abagail , emily , tia , liberty , manny , hannah , mindy , nicky , kelly ,

Answer #10

hey :)

ella kate is nice :)

I like the name katina-lou…or ellie-anne and boys billy-joe or james-leigh


gurrrd luck..x

Answer #11

landon james brenton and ella kate brenton are the best ones, but I do really like the name maddison but im not sure bout the name sutton(it just remindes me of the city sutton)

Answer #12

well its to your personal choice really, for example I like the name theodore harry for a boys name, you may not like it but its to everyones personal choice

good luck to you andyour bambino x

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