What happens to my benefits over Christmas?

I get paid income support into my bank every 2 wks. I would usually get my next pay on the 26th, but that’s boxing day. when do you think I would get paid instead?

Answer #1

Maybe if you call them early in the morning to do your report, and everything is accurate then they will probably deposit money in your bank account (if thats your method of receiving your benefit) if its a cheque then most likely you will be getting it after the holidays!

Answer #2

I only spoke to the 1st person you get to on the phone…reception maybe? she said it would prob’ be the 1srt working day after I woulg usually get it. so prob’ on the 27th.

Answer #3

it would be nice if I got it early. knowing my luck and the benefits people I don’t think I will. I think I’ll phone them up and see what they say.

Answer #4

you will get it this friday x

Answer #5

They never pay it early. It is always late when it comes to a holiday. They have to wait until it comes into them before they will pay it. But with holidays and the mail not running it WILL run late. Believe me, I know. I call in every week to an automated system for child support, and they’ve been running a recording for a couple weeks now stating that it would be late because of the holidays. I’m in the US but it is usually the same everywhere. They certainly won’t pay you before the money gets to them.

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