What should I do if he breaks up with her?

I like a boy who goes to my school. we are the same age and we are friends. my other friend is going out with him though. he called me the other night and asked for her number I asked why then he said he might break up with her but hes still thinking about it. what should I do if he does break up with her and what should I do if he dosent.

Answer #1

what should I do if he does break up with her

NOTHING - You never date a friend’s ex.

and what should I do if he dosent.


Answer #2

Why did he have to call you to get his own girlfriend’s number to break up with her?? Sounds like he was feeling out the situation to see what you would think.

Answer #3

Don’t go out with him! Your friend will make your life a living nightmare. Trust me, I did it and my ex-boyfriend made my life a living hell for an entire year.

Sometimes I can’t believe I made it through puberty

Answer #4

Well, you said this girls is your friend right? Dont you find it a little wrong to start dating a guy your friend is dating? Do you even know if this kid likes you back? If at the end of everything he does like you and you do decide to date him, at least wait a while, and talk to your friend and make sure it’s all right with her before you do.

Dont hurt anyone just so that you can have someone. I always thought friends were more important.

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