Should I do something with my crush during his visit?

I really like this guy but he moved to arizona last year. and I am seeing him in 1 week, should I do something with him while he is here? or would that not be a good idea since hes only going to be here for 10 days?

Answer #1

Just don’t sleep with him. Or do anything other than kissing with him. I mean why degrade yourself? You rarely get to see him, right? So, no. Don;’t do anything like that with someone you never get to see.You’ll regret THAT.

Answer #2

I think you should. If you like this guy and if he likes you. I don’t know if he does or not. Anyway if you really like and only going to see him for 10 days go out on a movie. You’ll regret if you don’t.

Answer #3

Yes, use these 10 days as much you can. You will mind it if you will not do with him anything. Follow your urges.

Answer #4

Hanging out with him wouldn’t be such a bad thing, but I don’t think that you should HOOK UP with him while he is down!

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