Questions & Answers

  1. What is a good way for a guy to get rid of a fat butt?
  2. What is the difference between a newt, a gecko, and a salamander?
  3. Would you choose well rounded-people or people that can specialize?
  4. Why do phone companies give people a two year contract?
  5. What are the top ten rap songs of 2011?
  6. What are the regulations involving owning a Capuchin monkey in New York?
  7. What is the width of the river Nile?
  8. Can I cover up a red face with foundation after working out?
  9. Where's the best place in San Diego county to get my cartilage pierced?
  10. How can I connect broadband internet through the network in my office?
  11. Why' is my profile blank when I've posted questions and status updates before?
  12. Can your heart explode?
  13. How to lose under the belly button belly fat?
  14. Is drinking green tea in the morning, and then chamomile tea at night too much caffeine?
  15. Why are they rebuilding the twin towers back up to the same height as before, instead of reducing how tall they are?
  16. What are you planning to do on the 10th anniversary of 9/11?
  17. Is it bad to drink alone?
  18. Is maple cinnamon oatmeal with fresh bananas good for you?
  19. What is the average height of a full grown woman?
  20. What's something good to put in between two layers of chocolate cake with icing on top?
  21. What do I need to buy to make a Barbie Doll costume?
  22. What is the average height for a guy?
  23. What major and minor would I need if I want a bachelors degree in Culinary Management?
  24. Can someone tell me what "s'mores" or "smores" are?
  25. Why do jeans seem tighter on women than on men?
  26. How can I survive 8th grade when mostly everyone hates me?
  27. What does "Happy Uterus Escape Day" mean?
  28. Who is Cody Simpson?
  29. Would my rats get too stressed by my cat?
  30. Do you think that funadvice has a discretionary definition for questions?
  31. What are these shoes called?
  32. What happens after first Jehova's Witness door-to-door visit?
  33. Which would go better with a skirt like this - heels or flats?
  34. How many different 5-person basketball teams can a coach choose from among 7 players?
  35. Are half-jackets/sweaters cute with tanktops?
  36. How do the contestants on the T.V. show "Wipeout" feel the next day after such an abuse?
  37. Can you move songs from one iPod onto another, somehow?
  38. Can your hip measurements ever change, or do they always stay the same, no matter if you're overweight or underweight?
  39. Why do I get frequent déjà vu?
  40. Is it a requirement for every good video game to have lava?
  41. How can I recover the data from the USB?
  42. Can anyone recomend some PG Anime?
  43. How to make a ponytail without getting racoon tails in my hair?
  44. If I wear my original retainers, after removing my braces about three years ago, will everything go back to normal?
  45. How can I stop a scab on a tattoo?
  46. How to live in a house full of sick people and not get the virus?
  47. Would it be worth to go back to the specialist?
  48. What are the names of different drugs and how do they affect you (read more)?
  49. What songs are good for rough sounding singers?
  50. What's your favorite smoothie flavor?
  51. How can I get on the show "Wipeout"?
  52. How do you make your internet faster?
  53. Why does my breath stink every time I go to school (I do brush my teeth)?
  54. Could anyone please tell me the effects of an antidepressant used as a drug, not medicine?
  55. How to keep my face from sweating and getting all red after gym class?
  56. Can muscle be made without doing workouts and carrying stuff?
  57. What are some good pictures that represent; Horror, action/adventure, non-fiction and crime story genres?
  58. How did Dr. Jonathan Crane become the "Scarecrow"?
  59. Do you think there is going to be a terrorism attack on the anniversary of 9/11?
  60. How can I feel better and keep the progress I made?
  61. How do I install GDesk Android 2.1 on my Nokia c6-00 s60^5?
  62. Which one is correct - English diamond ring, or Diamond English ring?
  63. What could have made me react to my new eyeshadow?
  64. Does anybody know what's in the Green Valley?
  65. Why doesn't my dog like to cuddle or be held?
  66. Can anyone help me decipher music genres please?
  67. Where can I buy a really cheap carbon filter and dehumidifier?
  68. What is your favorite fantasy book or novel?
  69. Do fish tanks have to have a filter at first, and which is better - a filter or water pump?
  70. Would you rather ride a dinosaur or a dragon?
  71. Where do petite women find clothes?
  72. How long do you have to live in California before you can obtain residency?
  73. Is there a special type of food fish needed (read more)?
  74. How much do 10-gallon fish tanks usually cost and what place sells the cheapest ones?
  75. What's your favorite mythical creature?
  76. How to stay away from stepdad?
  77. How effective is learning by taking a course online?
  78. What does this text from my phone company mean?
  79. Did you vote for Obama and do you think he's doing a good job?
  80. When you see a supermarket like Tesco or ASDA what do you think or see?
  81. Do you think cleaning is a good way to burn off steam (read more)?
  82. How many "Vampire Diaries" books are there, and what are they called?
  83. Would it be cheaper for me to make my own applesauce or buy applesauce?
  84. How can I keep my lip pierced throughout the day (read more)?
  85. Does the "Fit Me" makeup from Maybelline work good?
  86. Where do they sell women's shoes for wide feet?
  87. Are there any ways of making the taste of your 'cum' nicer?
  88. How do you pronounce "Nyan Cat"?
  89. What are moth balls used for?
  90. How do I ask a guy to homecoming in a cute way?
  91. How do you wake up from a dream?
  92. What happened to my pendrive?
  93. Is there any app or program I can download to check where people are from my phone?
  94. Whats your opinion about bellybutton piercings?
  95. What can I make with pork chops quickly?
  96. Should I run for president?
  97. What kind of job requires you to do a lot of research?
  98. What is the best job in the health department, in your opinion?
  99. Why has the ability to cook well decreased in teens and young adults?
  100. If I use Opera Mini to access the internet, do I need to pay for usage at the end of the month?