What happened to my pendrive?

I put my pendrive in the USB of my computer and I see the folders, but then I took it out and when I put it again I didn’t see the folders and my computers ask me to format the disk why this happened to the pendrive if anybody knows tell me please thank you.

Answer #1

Probably because you didn’t remove it “ safely “ ! Although most of the times we don’t have to remove the pen drives safely but it all depends upon the data inside and the operating system. It might be corrupted as well.

Answer #2

when you remove a pen drive you can’t just pull it out. there is a little icon next to the time on your desk top that looks like a pendrive right click on it and click stop (what ever drive your pen drive is designated as). then in a sec or 2 a little window will pop up saying it is now safe to remove the pendrive. What might have happened is when you removed the pendrive it was still in use and you cut the connection while the computer was “communicating” with the pen drive, this can damage the files on the pendrive making them unreadable to your computer. While there are many other reasons y a pendrive will crash this is the most common one well that and cheap offbrand pendrives.

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