How do you pronounce "Nyan Cat"?

NEE-uhn? Nee-YAN? My daughter already thinks I’m lame, I don’t want to prove her right by saying it wrong, lol

Answer #1

NYE AN Cat :)

Answer #2

“Nye” as in “nigh”?

Answer #3

I think it’s Nee-yan? lol

Answer #4

Nee-yan sounds right.

Answer #5

Is the stress on the “nee” or the “yan”?

Answer #6

Nee.. so it’s neeyan cat :P

Answer #7

I say Nee-yan.

Answer #8

I pronounce it like Nye An. Nye as in nigh. lol.

Answer #9

In the UK we say it as in NIGH. But that might be our accent, I don’t know :D

Answer #10

I think that’s the closest way I recall it being pronounced, but the “nee” part is said really fast so you don’t really hear the “ee” part … n-yan. I don’t know … stupid pop tart cat.

Answer #11

I’m in the UK and I pronounce it Nee-yan.

Answer #12

Bahaha poor colleen :P

Answer #13

Nee-an cat

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