Questions & Answers

  1. How do you get grease stains from cooking food off of clothes?
  2. Can having your laptop on your stomach affect your health?
  3. Can i do this with yeast infec meds?
  4. How to redecorate my room "hipster-ish"?
  5. Why do I get goosebumps whenever a good singer sings?
  6. Which festival is better - Glastonbury or Download?
  7. Do women generally wear the same size slacks or dress pants as they do jeans?
  8. What are the things on Facebook called where you use the first ten friends on your list and they tell a story?
  9. What's could cause pain in my right ovary? (Read all)
  10. Is £40 a good amount to be paid to a band for a gig?
  11. Why does my laptop turn itself back on when I shut it down?
  12. How to get the seatbelt from around the seat?
  13. Why do I get grossed out so easily by little things?
  14. Do you prefer Twilight or Harry Potter?
  15. What is the average age for men and, more specifically, women to get married?
  16. Why must girls pull their shirts up to show their waist or down to show their bra to be considered pretty or good looking?
  17. What colour of paint should I use for the house?
  18. Is there an Urban Outfitters in Maine?
  19. Is there a Hollister in Maine?
  20. Would I have problems if I use a Swiss Army Knife as a keychain?
  21. Which one is better - Kindle or iPad, and why?
  22. Are pomegranates good for cholesterol?
  23. Is there any way for a 16 year old to take a vacation/trip on their own in the USA?
  24. Do you think if healthier foods cost less people would choose those foods over the unhealthy ones?
  25. Can you get a reprint of your a.ssessment test scores?
  26. How can you block people from going on to your Netflix?
  27. What is the sushi's shrimp sauce made out of?
  28. How do you make sushi batter for frying?
  29. Do you need a dance pad to play the game Dancing with the Stars or can you play with controllers?
  30. What shots and medications do I need to give a new puppy until grown?
  31. Do you think alien life is real?
  32. How do you set up a PayPal account with either a credit card or bank card on it to buy things off of eBay?
  33. Can you straighten synthetic hair?
  34. Does anyone know who wrote the poem entitled: "Who Killed Cock Robin"?
  35. How do you save apps to an SD Card on a Cruz tablet?
  36. FunAdvice Christmas Countdown (16 days) - December 9th, 2011
  37. FunAdvice Trivia: Which country has more tractors per capita?
  38. What are some positive and negative effects in Oliver Twist by Charles Dickens?
  39. Do you think cereal manufacturers should be responsible for making healthy products, or is it up to the consumer to buy smart?
  40. How to make conversation with a 11th grade boy if you're in 9th grade?
  41. How to cover up your face with makeup so it doesn't turn red?
  42. When will the law go into effect that makes it so commercials will be the same volume as the show you are watching?
  43. What can I try doing *before* seeing a doctor about my body possibly producing alcohol?
  44. How to re-install iTunes onto your laptop when you accidentally interrupted the updating/syncing process?
  45. What are the restrictions when driving in Australia with a New Zealand restricted licence?
  46. What does "Total c.umulative grade" mean and does the current average or the total c.umulative grade go on report cards?
  47. Could I be having a heart attack?
  48. What jobs involve research?
  49. How come people are so obessed with famous people that they want to k!ll them?
  50. How do you make those bobbles on scarfs?
  51. What is 10% of 300?
  52. Why do people send FunMail to other people just because they're pretty or cute?
  53. Are military dog tags the same as a normal dog tag?
  54. Can people kiss just as good with braces?
  55. What is the difference between a single-family home and a multi-family home?
  56. Does anyone else have BV (Bacterial Vaginosis) they can't get rid of?
  57. When you take tablets for cancer and you lose your hair, do you lose your eyebrows and lashes also?
  58. Is anyone on here looking for someone to take thier anger/problems out on? Like you just want to flip out on someone?
  59. What would happen if you a raise a baby tiger like a little cat?
  60. Do those Chia Pet things really work?
  61. Can you have panic attacks in your sleep?
  62. What are some things I can do for God's will?
  63. What helped you choose the religion you have today?
  64. How can something have the ability to do anything?
  65. How long will it take for my jarred elbow to heal?
  66. Why isn't Google Chrome connecting to FunAdvice?
  67. FunAdvice Christmas Countdown (17 days) - December 8th, 2011
  68. Does having an American phone with a British SIM cost me extra money?
  69. FunAdvice Trivia: At what number on Stigwood Avenue did The Cosby Show's Huxtables live?
  70. Do you think firefighters were right to let a home burn to the ground because the owners didn't pay the annual fee?
  71. How afraid of one or both of your parents are/were you?
  72. Why did I get impressions for my retainer a week before my next appointment?
  73. Why are you not suppose to put whitening strips on your teeth right after you brush?
  74. Do you eat your broccoli and celery uncooked or cooked?
  75. How old is Hopsin?
  76. What exactly is a "Pandora's Box"?
  77. Where did this Vista Antivirus 2012 come from?
  78. Who has seen The Virgin Queen?
  79. Do Wiccan spells really work?
  80. What are good recipes for dogs using these ingredients?
  81. Is eBay a good/trusted site to buy things off of?
  82. What is the human stimulus?
  83. Do you think $3.50 is too much to pay for 8 cookies?
  84. What are all of the websites like Amazon and eBay?
  85. How do you breed/raise chickens for eggs (read more)?
  86. Can using scented lotions with vitamin E affect your skin?
  87. How do you make it easier to give your dog a bath?
  88. What can I say about the song "Family Portrait" by P!nk?
  89. Why are my pictures taking for ever to load?
  90. What does "raw" fruit/vegetables mean?
  91. What can I do with a tub of ricotta cheese besides lasagna and canneloni?
  92. What is a "sinus problem"?
  93. What are some good pump-up type of Christmas medley's/remixes?
  94. What supplements have antioxidants in them?
  95. Is Kaydin a good name for a baby boy?
  96. Who has read the book: A School for my Village?
  97. What are some easy ways to earn easy money?
  98. How can I get rid of the pain of my jarred elbow?
  99. FunAdvice Christmas Countdown (18 days) - December 7th, 2011
  100. Is it normal for birth control to make you puke shortly after you start taking it?