Do you think alien life is real?

Answer #1

Well no i dont think so….think we would have some idea by now

Answer #2

no i absolutely dont

Answer #3

The world may never know, but I say no

Answer #4

For every grain of sand on every beach on this planet there is a Sun,and each Sun could have planets like ours….To say our one grain of sand is so unique is narrow minded and unreasonable in my opinion ,definitely when there is so many grains of sand.

Answer #5

for every grain of sand there is a star you mean… different than the sun. and stars do not have planets

Answer #6

Of course! Just not in our galaxy. lol, the universe is HUGE for all we know there could be other planets millions of billions of km away identical to our Earth except for all the people are like 2’7’ and gingers. I believe there is other ‘intelligent’ life forms out there, do I think we’ll ever find traces of them and actually be able to prove/disprove it? Nope.

Answer #7

ya never know huh.

Answer #8

“and stars do not have planets”….uh? What is our planet spinning around?…most stars will have planets due to their own being and process in their creation.Our SUN is a Star.

Answer #9

I don’t think so…

Answer #10

Yes im aware that the sun is a star. Uh but uts way bigger. Thats why its a sun….and stars r everywhere….but not all of them r stars

Answer #11

I mean suns lazt word haha

Answer #12

Sccience fiction aliens? no…but other creatures or organisms, maybe even more humans….i’d say that’s an infinite question.

Answer #13

And its only a sun because its in a planetary system. I am aware of that. But not all stars are circling planets…expecially not enough as grains of sands. Some r just out there. But who really knows huh ?? Nobody so i was simply stating that the saying says stars instead of suns..

Answer #14

Of course there are. As BadBoyVibes said it would be narrow minded to think there is not. There are an estimated 200-400 billion stars in our galaxy alone. A good % of them are suns with planets around them. And that is only one galaxy. Its estimated that there are 200 billion galaxies with in our ability to see with our telescopes. That is a LOT of stars and if like in our galaxy they also have a high % of suns to stars, meaning they have planets around them as well. Why would ours be the only planet to have life?

Answer #15

Our solar system is one of many in the entire universe. We’d be stupid to believe that we were the absolute ONLY ones out there. We’re just so far apart and such tiny aspects of space that it’s highly unlikely for any of us to discover each other.

Answer #16

im sure there is, even if its just microbes :*) but whos has heard of that planet that has been found, similar to earth? o.0

Answer #17

I do think so. But I do not think that they will come visiting anytime soon.

I guess that there will be probably many thousands of planets with some sort of simple, bacteria-like or other fairly primitive life form.

Some few places might have higher life forms, but they will be rare.

As for intelligent life… I’ll believe in that when I meet them. They may be somewhere out there. Or not. But I will not seek intelligent life in outter space before I have found intelligent life on earth. -_-

Answer #18

“But not all stars are circling planets…” are you messin lol No stars circle any planet….planets circle the Star(Sun) due to the greater mass of the Sun (Star)….and our Star is a Sun because we gave our star a name….is my logical half educated thoughts.

Answer #19

By now? lol, we landed on the moon only 42 years ago. Electricity has been around for what, not even 200 years. The closest galaxy to us is over 2 million light years away. Why do you think we should have already discovered alien life, given those statistics?

Answer #20

hell yes! there’s sooooo much space out there!! there’s just gotta be! & steven hawkins chair said so :P

Answer #21

I gather your not jumping to invesitgate Roswell anytime soon..LOL

Answer #22

i would like to think so. its debatable until proven otherwise

Answer #23

Suns are only suns because its part of a planetary system. There are many suns and they r all named suns. Not just ours is named the sun. Thats why there are stars and then suns.

Answer #24

we have pretty high tech stuff. I dunno. I figure all the years we been here there would be some sign. From the aliens. From somewhere

Answer #25

but who really knows so we could argue all our lives and still have no answer.

Answer #26

From the point of view of 99.9999999….% of the universe, we are alien life. And we are real. So yes, alien life is real.

Answer #27

Our SUN is a STAR….is fact…All Suns are stars is fact….THE Sun is our Sun….Another Sun /Star to another planet would be that planets Sun/Star.Sun or Star they are the same flippin thing lol.

Answer #28

Yes, but the likely hood of aliens being similar to the kind that media portrays is highly unlikely

Answer #29

Why not??

Answer #30

Why don’t you??

Answer #31

There is no difference between a sun and a star. My God!! lol. And most STARS do have planets orbiting them.

Answer #32

As big as this universe is, it would be idiotic to think we are the only inteligent life. We are a spec in the grand scheme of things.

Answer #33

Thanks for the back up lol :) …I think we got there in the end?

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