How can you block people from going on to your Netflix?

i shared my netflix account with one of my friend but we broke up and she moved to another place. she still goes on my account, i know because the “recently see” place has movies i didn’t saw. i changed the password but i think her computer just remembers the password till she sign off and can’t sign in anymore.

Answer #1

If it’s really that big of a problem then make a new account. You’re paying for it anyways, right? And all the stuff you have in your Queue…just write it down and put it back in your Queue in your new account. Trust me, I’ve had to do it…

Answer #2

just call netflix and cancel the account. Then make a new account like Jacqueline said:)

Answer #3

Change the password to the account and don’t give it out.

Answer #4

Change your password under account settings.

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