Questions & Answers

  1. FunAdvice Trivia: How many lìcks does it take to get to the center of a Tootsie Pop?
  2. How to obtain long eyelashes?
  3. What is the cheapest, most efficient, and effective legal way to create a will?
  4. What can I get my boyfriend for his birthday?
  5. What is currently going on with Israel and Syria?
  6. What is the best brand for ballet shoes?
  7. Why do people keep bugging me about how I've gained weight?
  8. How do people use water bongs?
  9. What's your opinion on mercy killing?
  10. Is there a difference between Linux and Linux Mint?
  11. Can you use an iPhone 4S case for an iPhone 4 ?
  12. When I have answered a question and it takes me to the next page, why are the other questions about 3 years old?
  13. Is it normal for a 4 month old puppy to walk while peeing (read)?
  14. Can the people I live with control me even though they don't have custody of me?
  15. Are Native Americans and Hispanics related to African Americans?
  16. What is the difference between Windows 7 and Windows 7 Premium??
  17. How do you activate using your phone as an internet connection?
  18. How can I make a call to Honduras?
  19. What dishes would go well with chili?
  20. How do you feel about the legal age to have sex being changed from 16 to 14?
  21. FunAdvice Trivia: Who came up with the technique of of explaining and calculating the quantum behavior, 'matrix mechanics'?
  22. FunAdvice Featured Recipe: Red Velvet Poke Cake
  23. How come I get an error that reads "The Connection Has Timed Out"?
  24. When they say "have faith", do they mean in God or in yourself?
  25. Is there any danger when our dog lιcks us upon the face?
  26. Is it normal when I relax my eyes they begin to cross and my eyesight goes blurry?
  27. Would it be a sin to take a break from Christianity?
  28. When I email a photo to this website, does it go to the photos section?
  29. Can I email pictures to FunAdvice; If so, to what address?
  30. When buying an iPod, can I give them my old one for a discount?
  31. How to make fictional characters seem dark/unhappy/hurt without going overboard when writing a fanfiction?
  32. How do I stop being pessmistic?
  33. Is Duffy (Welsh singer) mainstream?
  34. How can I upload pictures to FunAdvice from my iPad?
  35. How can I get rid of a "best" friend that I don't really like?
  36. How stupid do you have to be, to be a politician?
  37. What is an Anglophile?
  38. What would you do if Justin Bieber was laying on your bed naked with rose petals?
  39. What's the best way to support a friend in rehab for drugs?
  40. Is driving hard?
  41. What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail?
  42. What is a good over-the-counter drug for wrist tendinitis?
  43. Who buys the corsage and boutonniere for prom/grad?
  44. Did anyone see Zoe Alexander, and what were your thoughts on her actions?
  45. How many different languages are where you are?
  46. What can I put on metal to stop it rusting or clean rust of it?
  47. Would buying or renting out a warehouse and building within it and then charging people to use what's in it illegal or legal?
  48. Why is my girlfriend bleeding after sex?
  49. How can I know if someone is a guy or a tomboy?
  50. Can I drive my dad's car or do I have to buy and insure my own? (read more)
  51. What is the key signature for A Lifetime of War by Sabaton?
  52. What Is a nice and happy song to listen to?
  53. How do I get a work holiday visa for Germany?
  54. How do I speed up my computer and stop my keyboard from acting up?
  55. Is one supposed to use a canvas or paper for oil pastels?
  56. Are cartilage earrings the same as a regular earrings?
  57. What are your back to school tips?
  58. What should I do for an ovarian cyst that's bleeding into my abdomen?
  59. Would mixing dark purple and mid-red hair dye get me some new cool color for my hair?
  60. Would you go to a restaurant that didn't have a menu and you just eat what they serve?
  61. Which A level is easier - English Literature or Computing?
  62. Is my labret infected?
  63. What are some depressing songs?
  64. How can I ease my stress?
  65. What happens when you pick a scab?
  66. What Is your favorite scary film?
  67. Why do I keep having spasms in the muscle in my leg?
  68. Why does my sister's partner boss me around all the time?
  69. What is your favourite thing to converse about?
  70. What do guys like girls to wear?
  71. What is your opinion on vegans?
  72. What is meant by "one love" in reggae music?
  73. What a hypocrite law to ban gun toys?
  74. Does anyone know how to inprove your singing?
  75. Does anyone own the Game Boy Advance version of Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories?
  76. How long do you think until China takes over America?
  77. When was the beginning of the end of the British Empire?
  78. Does anyone still use their PlayStation 2?
  79. Can I change my stud to a ring?
  80. Why do people say stupid stuff like "ching chang chong" when there talking about or are around Asian people?
  81. What shows have you missed and you are trying to catch up?
  82. How do I get these odd scratches? (read more)
  83. Can you make chainmail out of key rings?
  84. What would be a good video camera for nail art tutorials?
  85. Who is the woman in the cover of the expandables?
  86. What services does planned parenthood provide?
  87. How do I fix my external hard drive after I dropped it? (read more)
  88. Where can I find a key locator, if it exists?
  89. FunAdvice Trivia: Who hosted the first version and then co-hosted the TV program 'You Bet Your Life'?
  90. FunAdvice Featured Recipe: Millionaire’s Shortbread
  91. How can I tell my Step-Dad I don't want to call him Dad anymore?
  92. Does anyone know where I can buy a hidden/secret ashtray online?
  93. How can I ease the pain in my lower back?
  94. How long does it normally take for a new navel piercing to completely close?
  95. Can people who where born blind dream?
  96. Can Obama pass a law for 2013 even if he hasn't won the election yet?
  97. Does anyone know anything about Penzu?
  98. How can you naturally moisturize dry lips without chap-stick?
  99. Is there any way to delete my FunAdvice account?
  100. Does anyone know about the Pete's County Market pump perks card?