How do you activate using your phone as an internet connection?

When I plug in my phone, it gives me the option to use as an internet source, but when I go to Internet Explorer it will not be connected. Anyone know how to set this capability?

Answer #1

Are you using Android or IOS?

Answer #2

What do you mean? You are trying to set it up too your home broadband or trying to use your phone as a hotspot?

Connecting it up too your home broadband is not as simple as finding it and selecting connect. You might have too enter a pass code, press a button on your router to allow a proper connection or even use a disk to install and set up your internet connection.

However, if you have done everything needed, say you have put in a pass code and it says that you are able too join and you have joined, but are unable to actually use the internet even though it says you can, you may have entered an incorrect pass code or your broadband is limited? Say you went abroad and wanted too hook yourself up too their broadband, it might allow you too connect but you would have too log yourself in using the details the hotel or whatever gives you.. I’m sure this makes no sense too you? It’s 1am and I’m a little sleepy and I tent to confuse people when I’m tired XD!

Anyways.. You might have too press a certain button on your router to allow you too join properly, this just adds an extra safety thing so its harder for hackers or who ever to access your router =]

Also if that is no help to you, what do you mean when you plug it into your phone? When you plug what into your phone? Or plug your phone into what? If you are on IOS or Android your phone is capable for use of a hotspot. A hotspot is in a way for you noobs a portable router ;D Although it normally costs a bomb (._.)

If you are plugging your phone into your laptop, is it asking you if you want to use your computer to connect to the internet for your phone, or your phone to give a connection to your computer?

You will have too give us a little more information on what you are actually trying to do because I’m just spit balling anything I could get my mind too on what your problem is? But then again I am about too pass out I’m so tired so this all could have nothing to do with what you are wanting?

Either way, do reply to this with a little more information and I’m sure I could help you out :D

Answer #3

I think she means use her phone as a hotspot.

Answer #4

I am using Android. When I plug in my phone it gives me three options, (Charge only, mass storage, and connect as internet connection) I have read some android forums and they did say that i need to get an update done on my phone, so i may try that to see if it works.

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