Are Native Americans and Hispanics related to African Americans?

Not to get them confused but are latinos and hispanics the same as Native Americans..I mean are they both related in some way? But my real question is are native americans and hispanics have ancestors from Africa-and like are they related to black people? But I saw somewhere on google that Native Americans are Hispanics/ could this be true?

Answer #1

Some believe that Native American’s can from India through what is now Russia and Alaska to get to the US. Native Americans are not Hispanics. I’m not sure where the Hispanics cam from, most likely from Spain in the 15 hundredths. Because the Spanish where the first to explore South America/Middle America.

Answer #2

No, no and No.

Okay. America was first settled by humans in stone age. Those people came from Asia and crossed the Bering strait with boats. Then they went down the west coast and found places to settle. From there, humans spread across the continent. Before 1492 only these people lived in America. Their progeny are called “Native Americans” today.

Then people from Europe “discovered” America. There were several large nations with a lot of navy back then. Those were: Portugal, Spain, England, France. Those nations made colonies in the Americas. People from Spain and Portugal set foot farther south (which is why most South American countries speak versions of Portugese and Spanish today). People from France and England set foot in the north (which is why Canadians and New-Orleansers speak French and the rest of all y’all speak English.)

Native Americans were outnumbered and the people from Europe had better technology. Thus the Europeans conquered all the land.

Then more people from came and settled there.

Then people needed cheap workers. So they went to Africa (where the powerful European nations also had colonies) and kidnapped African people there, brought them to the Americas and made them work. People of African descent are black. These are the ancestors of the African Americans.

Then some people in the colonies had the idea that paying taxes to Europe is stupid… and declared themselves independent countries. Then there was war, slaughter, mayhem, war, more war, peace again, war again and so on. (Ask your history book for details).

At some point of time in the late 1800s, there was mostly peace again everywhere. The black people were free and more immigrants came from other places in the world.

Then after some more time, it happened that people from the South America would want to move up to North America, because the place was wealthier. Those people are called Hispanics or Latinos today. They are mostly of Spanish/Portugese European descent.

OF COURSE, almost none of these groups of people have remained 100% purely among themselves. There have always been love affairs and marriages between people from different groups. And without a gene analysis, you probably cannot tell for sure whether someone has ancestors from different groups.

Answer #3

Native Americans didn’t come from India they came from Asia.

Answer #4

Okay thanks.

Answer #5

Don’t even bother reading mine read this one lol

Answer #6

And they came a lot earlier than all the other people. America was settled by their ancestors in stone age, several ten thousand years ago. People from other places came very recently in comparison - in the last few hundred years.

Answer #7

Yeah I know thousands of years ago. I just wasn’t being specific. I should have been more specific though.

Answer #8

Based on DNA research I believe our orgin of humans started from Africa. But that may still be an ongoing debate. If this is true we are all from African origins What I could find on the topic of genetics was in Science Daily

Answer #9

Longest response evaaaar omg

Answer #10

You took the words right out of my mouth. I believe the research is based on mitochondrial DNA and studying the variations in the sequences. The group with wide variations in mitochondrial DNA sequences are thought to be of the same tribe that birthed the human race as we know it. They have found a tribe in Africa that have the widest variations in the mitochondrial DNA.

Answer #11

Your confusion might come from the fact that all three groups have intermingled over the last few centuries - Native Americans with Hispanics (most Mexicans, for example, are “mestizos” or mixed heritage), Native Americans with Africans, and Africans with both Hispanics and mestizos. But in their origins, the three groups are different.

Answer #12

Yep what you said….I read about it in more laymen terms I could comprehend. LOL

Answer #13

An excellent question I want to compliment on. I’m pretty close to half native myself and have no idea in the short term relation, but in the long term (going backwards of course) I believe every single one of us no matter our nationality is distantly related.

Answer #14

I believe that we are all connected, too.

Answer #15

im not good at like world/human geo. stuff, like at all, but i think that native americans were like the indians, in a way the people that were here when america was “discovered” hispanics are like latino(a)s which are like mexicans and what not. and african americans are people from africa who moved to america. so, in a way, i guess they are kind of related because of the fact they all cane to america, but their origin and everything is totally different.

Answer #16

My question is despite all of that is that Hispanics are not related to African Americans really? I thought ya know puerto ricans,Cubans,Dominicans,not Mexicans I don’t think-Their are even black brazilians and they are not Hispanic they are Latino…idk about Argentinians,Venezuelans,chileans,Peruvians,spaniards,etc And native American tribes like Cherokee?’muskogee creek,Sioux,Choctaw,etc. I thought these ethnic groups had ancestors from Africa that’s why I thought native Americans and Hispanics were close to black people but thing they all have in common I believe is they have natural dark skin am I correct? Their tans aren’t really fake you know what I mean. African Americans have the darkest skin obviously. I believe native Americans and Hispanics get only like a natural olive skin tone unless their black Hispanics. But you know what a lot of Southern europeans have dark skin as well most olive skin I don’t believe darker and Austrailians-aborigines.

Answer #17

My question is despite all of that is that Hispanics are not related to African Americans really? I thought ya know puerto ricans,Cubans,Dominicans,not Mexicans I don’t think-Their are even black brazilians and they are not Hispanic they are Latino…idk about Argentinians,Venezuelans,chileans,Peruvians,spaniards,etc And native American tribes like Cherokee?’muskogee creek,Sioux,Choctaw,etc. I thought these ethnic groups had ancestors from Africa that’s why I thought native Americans and Hispanics were close to black people but thing they all have in common I believe is they have natural dark skin am I correct? Their tans aren’t really fake you know what I mean. African Americans have the darkest skin obviously. I believe native Americans and Hispanics get only like a natural olive skin tone unless their black Hispanics. But you know what a lot of Southern europeans have dark skin as well most olive skin I don’t believe darker and Austrailians-aborigines.

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