Questions & Answers

  1. What exactly is a meteor shower?
  2. Does anyone know how much an RN would make?
  3. Who knows if it's true that diet drinks are "really bad for you" and "give you stretch marks"?
  4. what are some really good proxies???
  5. Who knows if teachers can get fired by cursing at students?
  6. how do i convince my parents to buy me a blackberry curve, i think its a 9700 or something?
  7. why do teachers get paid less..its one of the worst paying college degrees?
  8. Who thinks it's okay for teens to wear makeup and if so, why or why not?
  9. who sings this?
  10. whats the dumbest thing you did for this summer?
  11. Who thinks it's ridiculous that black people bleach their skin?
  12. how can you bleach yourself without the risk of cancer?
  13. What exactly does the phrase "star crossed" mean?
  14. what is the best and fastest way to control your anger???
  15. Is there any good mosquitos can do?
  16. How to reduce the pain?
  17. Does the guys color of there cum acutally matter?
  18. Can my dog die from eating 5 peices of raw boneless chicken?
  19. How do you write a tip...I can't find anywhere where it says "write a tip", or anything?
  20. Can you put ground beef into a jambalaya mix?
  21. how much could i get for a sunbeam dial microwave?
  22. Who knows how to solve a creeper problem? lol
  23. Can you find the distance between one place and another on google maps, with like a line from one to the other?
  24. what is the name of the new like ball things that you put in water and they get bigger?
  25. How can I stand being around my mothers ridiculous music?
  26. Is hair length hereditary?
  27. does anyone know where i can get go-fast energy drinks?
  28. Who has ever been to a cake decorating class?
  29. What songs should I sing for open mic night?
  30. Why do i randomly get pain like on the side under my chin?
  31. Where can you get miss sixty trousers in a shop not on the web ???
  32. What magazines do you subscribe too?
  33. How can I tell my friend that I talk to his brother without him getting mad??
  34. How can I build a High Tech gaming computer?
  35. What are some veggies you like that you can eat plain and uncooked?
  36. Is there a chemical to add to the gas tank to clean out sugar?
  37. Do cat whiskers grow back?
  38. do you have a favorite sibling?
  39. can i still get my teachers credential with felonies on my background?
  40. what are some stereotypes you have to deal with in your daily life basis?
  41. what are the math levels starting from pre algebra?
  42. When is TWLOHA day or 'To Write Love On Her Arms' day in 2011?
  43. Why does water taste different at night?
  44. Is my vagina normal??
  45. What does 'pansexual' mean?
  46. Who has ever wrote a song for someone they like, bf/gf?
  47. What is the most memorable TV advertisement you know and why is it memorable?
  48. What was the best season of Power Rangers?
  49. how hard is it to become a doctor?
  50. can learning disordered still attend college and graduate high school?
  51. How effective is yoga for weight loss?
  52. Is Oxy Body Wash any good?
  53. do x type 2.5 jaguars have a way to play music from an ipod?
  54. Who knows a GOOD website that I- a freshman in high school this year- can be prepared into the becoming of a Psychologist?
  55. Which is better: Wet n Wild -or- Blizzard Beach ?????
  56. what are good challenges like the gallon and cinnamon challenges?
  57. what is pacific standard time? :s
  58. How much does Kat Von D charge for tattoos?
  59. What are good things to say in a eulogy?
  60. What are good things to say for a wedding speech?
  61. What are good cheap guitars?
  62. Who believes in the Big Brother theory and why?
  63. Why do people always ask me why I'm a vegetarian?
  64. What's a website that will show what a portrait tattoo will look like?
  65. Who hates it when guys ask them about their cup size?
  66. Who is tired of the "N" word?
  67. What are some good bands like Forever the Sickest Kids and Mayday Parade?
  69. who do you think our worst president ever was?
  70. What is wrong with high schoolers and cliques in my school band?
  71. why people and news are talking about immigrants?
  72. How can i get over the fear of being at mcdonalds?
  73. What kind of hair style do you think i should do?
  74. How to not get temtped to eat Mcdonalds?
  75. How much percentage of tax is taken out of my paycheck?
  76. What to name mix cd for boyfriend?
  77. what does money modivated mean?
  78. When i eat it feel's like my food doesn't go down right and i have indigestion & my stomach start's to hurt?
  79. What would happen if I went to California?
  80. how long after having your eyebrow pierced can you draw in your eyebrows again?
  81. whats better for the body? showers or cold onez???
  82. how do i get my document back?
  83. What happens if you shower right after you tan outside?
  84. What is your opinion on wearing swimming trunk in public showers?
  85. What should I eat & drink to keep my figure for martial arts?
  86. can you get accused of stealing even if you were not caught or have been seen on a video taking the money in you'r pocket?
  87. How do you watermark your photos?
  88. Who in your life has made the absolute biggest impact on you and what did they do?
  89. Why do planets move?
  90. why do i go cross-eyed without out knowing when i wear my glasses ?
  91. Would getting married completely mess up my government benefits, such as wic, medicaid, unemployment, etc?
  92. How far away is bristol train station away from the town centre?
  93. How can I get a cut to scab over fast?
  94. how do i prevent the pain of medical shots as they are being recieved?
  95. How fair is it that my brother is getting a new bike and i'm not?
  96. what does it mean "does this picture have texture" ?
  97. what type of backpack is really good for first year of Jr high?
  98. How much are the piggy banks that are a family of pigs worth?
  99. Who thinks FA should have an iPod app or a page for cellphones?
  100. Why dont my bra's fit properly, even if they are the right size?