What would happen if I went to California?

So, when I’m 18 I want to go to California to visit my ex. I live in Ontario, Canada. My plan is: I would just pack up and leave one night without telling my parents. I would have enough money and such, so I could just buy a ticket, hop on the plane, and a get a taxi to take me to my ex’s house. I would just live with my ex, and pretty much never contact my parents again if I could help it. So my real question is: If my parents told the police that I was missing and the police found me, would they be able to force me to come home? Would the law change because I would be in the USA? If someone could explain it to me in detail that’d be amazing :) And if this turns into a status update I will hurt someone VERY badly >.>. Thanks, and sorry this is really long!

Answer #1

Nope. Once youre 18 they cant force you to do anything or charge you as a runaway. You would be on your own :]

Answer #2

Sweet :3 Thanks!

Answer #3

You have a nice plan and all, but you should tell your parents… and right- once your 18 your no longer a “child” and can do what you want. Also, start planning long term for what you’ll do in California once you start living with your ex..

Answer #4

How do you mean? Planning longterm- what would that include?

Answer #5

Ater you got to California… how would you live the rest of your life? Would you move again? Would you get married, kids? That type of long term..

Answer #6

Dont run away.trust me it wont work. you will always be nervouse and not enjoy your life …tell your parents (if you wanna study) tell them you wanna study there…but running away in my opinion Dont do that.take care hope things will gonna be okay.

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